Aranuth Speaks Atherton December 2016 – Ethics

In Latest Posts by Malcolm Bell2 Comments


“Man’s Inhumanity to Man”. The breadth, depth, and scope of it is almost beyond comprehension isn’t it? The absolute joy of life and peaceful co-existence and co-operation with other races and nations is largely ignored and by-passed in many areas across the globe to make way for racial and sectarian hatred, control, greed, and power: And often times by the very ones who belong to the numerous structured religions, attend church services regularly, and profess to work towards peace, love, caring, and compassion for all mankind while their religious leaders bless troops, battle ships, nuclear submarines, war planes, and other death-dealing machines and weapons of destruction. What a strange bunch of humans we are! And how strange it is that we see and hear daily, almost hourly, innocent elderly men, women, and young children being bombed, gunned down, tortured, and torn apart while we sit there being more concerned about what to have for dinner tonight.

Of course there are a great number of compassionate and caring souls who are horrified and sickened to the depth of their being-ness by this less-than-humane treatment of innocent people. Waiting for Divine Intervention is not an option! This is a plane of evolution by free-will choice and we have the choice of standing up for humanity, honesty, peace and freedom, or burying our heads in the sand pretending that “all is well’ – or doing something positive about it. Almost daily I hear sensitive and concerned souls stating that they wish they could simply leave the planet and return home to the realms to get away from this distressing reality. Is it any wonder that the suicide rate, especially among the disillusioned younger generation, is increasing alarmingly.

There is a better, a more constructive and effective way of dealing with this situation: that is to either individually or in groups, meet on a regular basis to pray and meditate for world peace. Everyday uncomplicated souls, not just those who identify themselves as light-workers, can make a huge difference by organising people and friends into groups who meet regularly to meditate for world peace. Create peace and manifest it! This process, while being quite effective, also requires positive action. We need to speak up, speak out, make local, national, and world leaders very aware of our concerns and desire for peace and harmony.

It would be wonderful to hear from individuals and groups from any and every nation who wish to form ongoing “Peace to the World” meditation groups; perhaps form a link-up with like-minded groups at a particular hour, on a particular day, right across the globe to maximise the power of mass meditation. Who knows, even world leaders both religious and political, may get the message!



Well good evening everyone.  It is I, Aranuth, who has returned on this day.  HA-hA-ha.  It is I, Aranuth, who welcomes you here once more. Today, my brothers and myself have chosen a subject that is very relevant to your “now” time here on this planet, and the experiences and the incidents that are currently happening and are operating here.  I feel it most appropriate that we discuss advances: yes, shall we say advances pertaining to your society, and of course if it pertains to your society it also pertains to you as an individual.  What we wish to talk to you about today is Ethics.  Ethics!  Ethics! As opposed to morality;  as opposed to values.  In this “now” time on your planet, more and more of you will be called upon as individuals to consider ethics:  to consider the ethics of your society and the direction that it is taking.  Now before we get deeper into ethics, I would like to remind you that judgement and non-judgement comes into this subject too.

As an introductory statement, we would like to say to you, you are the absolute creators; absolute creators of every single thing, every single issue, everything, and I mean everything! on this planet.  Whatever exists in this reality was created by you as individuals and as a society.  Everything was created by you – and you can have a second go if you wish; you can create something entirely different. There is no judgement.  I would like you to understand this.  There is no judgement!  The only judgement that applies is the judgement that you and your brothers and sisters in the community apply.  So any judgement is specifically coming from yourself and other beings incarnate.  Now, Ethics: Ethics are often times intermingled with, and are a running mate, to morality.  Morality.  Ethics are defined and guided by what “you” feel is acceptable and correct. Morals are similar with the exception that often times your morals, your morality, is affected by, and dictated to by, the numerous religions.  Numerous religions will try to tell you what your morality, your morals, should be.  Well, everyone is an individual with free will choice.  You choose for yourself your level of morality … and you do not have to justify it to anyone other than yourself.  It just is; morality just is your choice.

Now, ethics.  Into your future, and it is already happening now, there is going to be on your planet, in your society, some very animated and agitated discussions: there will be many arguments regarding what is ethical, and what is not.  From where we are, currently, we see animated discussions on what constitutes life.  Whether to continue it or not; and whose decision it should ultimately be.  We see discussion on whether or not your medical professions, and others associated, should terminate a life that is considered to be too painful to bear by the person, the patient.  Again, we wish to say to you; we do not judge! You should not judge!  So, you will be called upon to consider, within the quietness of yourself, whether or not your inner feelings, your inner beingness, tells you that it is ethical, that it is lawful, that it is correct, or does it suit your particular moral position for a person who is suffering badly, suffering to the extent that it does appear that future life holds anything but pain and torment for that person.  So you will be called upon to consider for yourselves as individuals whether or not life should be terminated in such circumstances.

You have already been through the ethical position of whether or not it is ethical, or morally and lawfully acceptable, for a female to terminate a pregnancy.  Again, we do not judge.  You do.  Society does.  Society judges and asks the lawmakers to reflect their views in legislation.  Religions will also attempt to influence society and the lawmakers decisions. There are going to be many, many issues confronting you related to ethics.  You have already seen the ethical arguments of incarnates passing over and having their bodies frozen ha-ha-ha in hope of revival at a future time.  That has now faded into the past.  You are not just confronted with the issue of terminating life:  you are also confronted with the ethical position on insemination to create babies. And whether it should be one, two, three or more DNA contributors bound together to fertilise an egg to create another human being which may or may not be susceptible to various hereditary illnesses  There will be more than that.  A lot more. You will be called upon to consider for yourself the ethics involved in the manufacture, the production, of artificial food: food that is not grown on, and of, the earth. You will be called upon to consider the ethics of whether or not robots should be involved, and closely interact with, the human being; and actually take over part of the activities of a human.  You are all aware at present that your scientists are designing robots, robot soldiers,  robot warriors.  Robot warriors who are specifically created to kill other robots as well as human beings.  Ethics.  It’s all about ethics.

Now of course with all those ethical situations that I have just described, many, many, more are going to come into your life.  It is not just the ethics of it because ethics will be very much affected by your morals; your morality.  Now for all of you people incarnate, it is is important for you to recognise that there are organisations, religions and political groups and and otherwise, who will want to control your morality.  So these beings will want to control you; to control what you think; what your morals are, what you think about ethical standards and situations; so they may attempt to influence the result to one which they so desire.  So you will be means to an end.  Means to an end! Simply that!The reason that I and my brothers are here this evening, right here right now, is that we need you souls present: we need those souls present, hearing this, reading this; those who this message will affect. We need this message to go far and wide.  We need everyone to understand the intrinsic factor of morals, values, ideals, and ethical standards.  It is all of your own individual choice, and your own individual choice is valid.

There is no judgement as in right or wrong regardless of your stance or view  because all is okay.  Because this is a reality that you have created for yourself.  Everything in your reality, in your world, was created by you.  Not by us.  Not by us. By you!  By every soul incarnate.  Every soul that has been incarnate, is incarnate, or will be come incarnate, they are the ones that will clearly define what will happen in this reality: and I will say again,  there is no judgement. There is no judgement from us.  There is no judgement from those other higher evolved beings, some of them extremely high intelligences. You are simply here as creators embodied.  What you create or mis-create is entirely up to you.  If you wish to create a very caring, sharing, compassionate, moralistic society, then go for it.  That is what you choose to do.  That is what the energy being-ness of you, of what you truly are, chooses.  It is your energy beingness that will define your stance and values, ideals, ethics, all of those things.  All of those things.  So where you have large groupings, congregations of souls who are all thinking alike you will generate a very, very, powerful energy that will flow out and affect other souls around you as evidenced by one grouping that has an ingrained set of beliefs.  If they talk to enough people, other souls, they will attract like-minded, like thinking, souls to the group.  So the group expands.  And so the ethics, the morality of every single issue in your life and the life of this planet rests entirely with you.  Nobody else.  It rests entirely with you.  And of course the overwhelming weight of the masses, whatever is the weight of the mass of ideas and decisions will guide what will happen for the future; your future on this planet.

So if you want euthanasia, you got it. You created it.  You got it, you brought it in. If you want cryogenics, you want to freeze your body, ha,ha,ha,ha I must advise against that.  Do you wish to go to the cryogenics factory and have your body frozen and suspended in time for a possible rebirth into the future?  It’s not going to happen.  But you can.  But you can; you can hold that view.  If you believe that your generation should be manipulated in the womb with foreign DNA, interfered with in the womb; if enough of you think that is ethical and moral it will happen.  It is all up to you individually.  And I wish to say again, there is no right, no wrong, no in-between road simply because there is no judgement except the judgement of your fellow-man.  The mass of public opinion again.

Now while we are touching on these things, my brothers and myself would like you to consider this.  If you medically or technically or scientifically interfere with a fetus in the womb, you are interfering with something beyond your comprehension. The scientists will not look at this because they do not want to know about it. Every soul who is to become incarnate arrives here in this reality with their own little haversack on their back . Within that haversack is all of the experiences and the lessons that they are going to encounter, overcome, and be overcome by, on this pathway.  The reason being, souls incarnate are here to experience, to adapt, to learn, grow, to become stronger, and wiser. Is it ethical or morally correct for medical staff and scientists to interfere with the embodiment that that soul is going to inhabit which will in turn interfere with the lessons, the experiences of that soul in that embodiment in their upcoming incarnation.  Again, there is no judgement.  There is no right or wrong.

What I and my brothers are doing here is to prompt you to consider these things so that you don’t follow along like sheep escaping through an open gate.  Or being herded along by so-called leaders of groups of religions and politics and all those others.  You are precious individuals .  Express your individuality.  Stand up for it.  Don’t be pushed or bullied.  Go within, ask yourself “how do I feel about this issue”?  “Is it of value”? “Is it of my high standards”?  “Is it.”? “Do I feel that this is morally correct”? “Do I feel that this is ethical”?  “Do I feel, knowing what I know of a being, an energy being, does this fit”? “Does this suit the pathway that I want to travel”? “The pathway that I want to be a part of and contribute to on this earth”?  It is all up to you to consider these things.  Consider. Consider. Consider.  Come to your own conclusion.  If there is something happening that you do not like, that does not feel correct, that does not sit well with you, then speak up.  If it does suit you then speak up.  That is what it is all about.  Free Will Choice without judgement.

Now we will carry that a little bit further if I may: This planet is a realm.  It is a third dimensional physical realm. It is a place of experience and learning.  So when you depart here and go back to the realms, there is no judgement again.  Not in the realms.  When you go back to the realms, this place doesn’t matter anymore.  You came, you became incarnate, you contributed to whatever is happening in your life, and you go back to spirit.  It’s all okay.  What you cannot see is … you are part of a grand experiment that is being watched closely.  Watched and monitored by energies, entities, beings from other planets, other realms.  You may call them alien, galactic, cosmic; there are realms you have never even heard of.  There are beings in those realms who are looking at you like a grand experience, watching how you as individuals and as a group, when given free will choice to do whatever you wish; they are watching closely, observing, monitoring to see how you do it.  If you can do it.  What the result is.  Why?  Because there are so many beings, off-planet beings in multiples of realms who are thinking about having the earth experience themselves.  They are considering whether or not they, as an individual small group, or a mass, could come here and have the human experience for their growth, for their advancement, to enhance their wisdom.  So you are under the microscope so to speak. Many, many souls from many, many realities off-planet are watching you.  They are watching the decisions that you make that are related again to, morals, values, ideals, ethics.  Because this is the planet of free will choice.  You get to choose your now and your future.  So, choose carefully please.  Choose carefully.  Thank you for being here to hear this message, to read this message, and to consider the content and impact of this message.  So I Aranuth, ha-ha, I bid you farewell. ha-ha. Thank you. Good evening and God bless all.

From myself, my family, and the host of highly advanced beings who deliver words of love, peace, wisdom, and guidance through me; we wish everyone a joyful season filled with love and peace, health and harmony, rainbows and roses:  Malcolm.


  1. Thankyou so much Malcolm, your messages are inspirational, you have a wonderful gift. Peace love and blessings to you and yours.

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