Aranuth Speaks Cairns I AM LOVE July ’15

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Time flies by and with it change after change; It seems that we just get comfortable with one change and another one lands on our doorstep. I personally feel comfortable with accepting “what is” with a “so what…ho-hum” (sometimes “oh bugger it”!) attitude. However there are times when my tree of daily life registers a direct hit and i have to sit quiet and deal with it.
The weather here in North Queensland has turned quite cool with overnight temperatures dropping to low single digits: I keep my lounge room fireplace stoked and a good-ish wood supply beside the door. It makes a nice change from the continual winter rain and drizzle over that last three weeks.
The following message was channelled at the Cairns Spiritual Centre in front of an appreciative audience. The message was delivered in something of a firm and unwavering cadence (typical of Aranuth) which at times held the audience captive and mesmerised. It was so nice to have several people approach me after the channelling to say how much they enjoyed the message.

The message:
Well good evening everyone. Aranuth, at your service. Very pleasing it is to see you all this evening; to see the lights of your soul. We have met before many, many times, whether you are aware of it or not. Possibly not. I and the Brotherhood come and visit you often. We from the Brotherhood of the Love in the realms, we visit you in your dream state, your sleep state, your meditative states, and times when you sit in quiet contemplation, we are there. We are with you. Simply because we love you.
Tonight, this evening, the Brotherhood has chosen to speak to you of Love. Many of you are already aware that we are now known throughout the realms, and this planet of solid matter, as the Brotherhood of Love for a very, very, good reason. I wish for you to think about, to consider, the word Love. What does it mean to you? I am talking about the Power of Love. Love is a power. Love is THE power. Love is the only power. There is nothing else in existence that has the power, the impact, the impetus, of pure Love. Love is all there is. And all there is, is Love. Without the power of Love, nothing, and I’ll say that again, nothing, would exist. Nothing at all, let alone your self, your embodied, your physically embodied self. Without Love, you as a spirit being, would not exist. Without Love, the realms would not exist. Closer to you, closer to home, the universe, the multi-verses, the planet, none of this would exist without Love.
We, from the Brotherhood, are here tonight to tell you the importance of Love. As I have just said, without Love, nothing exists. The Creator, the Creator force, is the embodiment of Love. The force behind creation is Love. What are you doing here embodied at this time? In previous times? In previous embodiments? And your future embodiments? Well, you are here to learn that “Love is all there is”. Whatever your question, unconditional love is the answer. There is no question that you could pose that the answer is not “Love”.

Now then, how do you apply Love in every minute, every second, of your physical and spiritual existence? Again, contemplate, meditate, on that word. On the meaning of the word. The word, Love. Contemplate, meditate, not just on the meaning of the unbridled power of the word Love. For you just to speak the word, speak the word Love, and you will see that things have changed around you immediately. They may be rather minute or they may be major. But just saying the words “I am Love”, this brings about the changes.
Now let me tell you something very, very, important. If you wish to open up, expand, bring out your true beingness, your Love, the Love within you, to give it power, to give it expression, so that you may attract the attention of the ascended masters, great angelic beings, logos, etc. If you want their attention, their help, their protection, you only need to say “I am Love”. Say it firmly with meaning. I AM LOVE. Instantly, instantly, all your personal guides and many, many; a great number of other guides also from the Brotherhood of Love, the community of ascended masters, the community of Healers; they are there right beside you. You may not be able to see them. You may not hear them. You may not sense them. But they are there.

Every evening when you go to your bed say with passion ” I am Love”. Every morning, when you open your eyes to leave your bed, say forcefully and with passion, I am Love”. And that sets you up for a wonderful day and a wonderful night; because expressing the fact that you know absolutely and undeniably that you are simply Love attracts all of these great beings, all of the great beings of Love and Light, and they are there immediately with you, beside you, helping you, protecting you, giving you answers, giving you knowledge, giving you guidance, giving you information. And that’s all you have to say. “I am Love”. Simple. If you do that, practice that; you don’t have to make a mantra out of it however, you may do so if you so choose. This is free will choice, and you are free to exercise that choice.

Now, what you awaken to here is how, how, how do you apply Love in a very practical manner to have a positive effect on your daily life. Here is the answer. Within the answer is a challenge for you. A challenge. When you say with passion “I am Love”, you are not only admitting, admitting to yourself, that your total being-ness is love, but you are also trumpeting to every soul in every realm that you are Love. Now in a very practical day-to-day manner, I would like you to consider this. Now before I speak more, I should qualify what I am about to say by advising you that you are a sovereign individual. You do not owe allegiance or any other thing or to any other being other than yourself and the Creator. Please remember those words because here comes the challenge. The life that you are living; are you pleased? Happy? Do you love it? Yes? Good. No, why not? Why not? Your job, your career; you love it? Yes? Good. Do you not love it? Why not? Why are you in that job? Why are you in that career? If you do not love it what are you doing there? Your relationship, your partner, the children, family, associates, friends, co-workers, do you love each and every one of them? Do you love some of them and not others? Yes? No? What are you doing in their lives? If it’s not love, why do you persist with it? Do you like where you live? Do you like what you are doing? Do you like your advancement? Do you like your pathway? Do you like the challenges, the experiences, and the lessons on your pathway? Do you Love them? If not, why not? What ARE you doing? You are beings of love so express Love for every thing including the planet, the universe, the animals, the forest, the ocean, your friends, the other human beings. Express Love!

You do not have to sell your home and donate the money to a charity who will possibly mis-spend it. You just simply radiate Love to one and all, and every thing. LOVE IS ALL THERE IS. Now that you know that, now you don’t have any excuse. I have just torn the curtain back. Ripped it down to show you that there is no secret. It is all simply Love. You are a child of Love. You are a child of the Creator. The Creator IS Love. You are birthed of the Creator so you must be Love. Why are you not using that Love? Why are you not experiencing it? Why are you not radiating it? Why isn’t Love your by-word? Why isn’t Love your reason for being and living? If every soul incarnate on this planet expressed Love your whole planet and the lives and every living thing upon it would change instantly. So think. Think. Use your heart. Sense. Open up. What am I doing? Why am I stuck in this dead end job that I don’t even like let alone Love. Get out of it! Find a way out. Find another job. Why are you stuck living in that home, that flat, that abode, that you dislike? Then leave! Find something else. Find a better place that you can Love. Why are you in a Loveless relationship? Why? You are punishing yourself for real, imagined, or perceived sins and failures. Love IS ALL THERE IS! Get out of it! Have the courage; have the intestinal fortitude to stand up and yell “I AM LOVE”. ” I LIVE LOVE”. ‘”I AM LOVE”. “That’s what I am. What else can I be but Love?

You can radiate Love to all around you but you can still walk away. You can walk away from souls incarnate who don’t fit with your plan of Love. Loving this life. Loving yourself. Loving your pathway. Loving your experiences. Loving your lessons. If you don’t love it what are you doing with it? Stop punishing yourself. That’s what you are doing. So, the reason that I talk about Love is, starting with your dear souls, right here, right now, at this point in your evolution, switch to Love.
Now the expression of Love can soften the blow, the impact, of you changing jobs, changing residence, changing partners, changing everything. It does not have to be a “smash and grab”. Love is treating everyone and everything with Love; with Love and understanding; with unconditional Love; keeping in mind that you are Love. That’s all you are. Nothing more. Nothing less. You are Love. Good? Very good. So now when you consider what is happening in your life; If we start with your relationship; do you find Love in that relationship? Do you love the relationship? Do you love that other being? Does that other being reciprocate with Love? Is your relationship based on Love? Yes? Good. No? Get out of it! And you CAN walk away. You can radiate Love and understanding to that other soul or number of souls? Because if you mean them no harm; if there is no intent to harm; if your intent is simply Love; you can walk away clean. Free as a bird. You are not responsible for how another would judge your actions. That’s for them. You are not responsible for them. You can show them unconditional Love and be your sovereign-soul loving self and get on with your own pathway.
If you do not like your job. Ask. Remember, I said before; every morning with the opening of the eyes, every evening with the closing of the eyes, give voice to the word ‘I AM LOVE”. That is a wonderful attractor; and after stating that you are Love there are many beings, many, many, highly evolved beings, who hear your call and come to you; then you may, and I encourage you to, ask for assistance. Ask for Loving assistance. And reciprocate with loving thanks. Loving gratitude. So if you wish to find other employment, or another career, call “I AM LOVE; ask for those guides to assist you, to guide you in the best manner possible into another career. Ask them to extract you from a thorny or prickly relationship. Ask them to assist you to move out of a negative neighbourhood and into new residence. Whatever it is in your life, on your pathway, if it is not an expression of Love, change it. Change it for one of Love. Love who you are.
Don’t look in the mirror, critically, with a negative mind set or attitude about your embodiment. Every time that you look in the mirror, do not think “I am too tall”, “too short”, “too fat”, “too thin”, “anorexic”; look at your reflection of your embodiment and say this is the embodiment of Love. This encases and embodies Love. You have the embodiment that you chose to come into this incarnation with. You as the spirit being, the being essence within that embodiment, you Love it; state it; I am Love. So Love everything about yourself regardless of anyone else’s words, comments, thoughts. Love yourself. Those around you; Love them. If you cannot love them step around them. Remove yourself from that. Don’t express negativity or judgement.
Now that may be a little difficult at first, however, should you continually think, say, and express “I AM LOVE”, “that’s what I am”. “I AM LOVE”. While you are continually expressing that, and radiating Love, you become that. Why? Because you are creating and manifesting that. Yes you are. I AM LOVE. So you are manifesting Love within and from all around. So look at everything and everyone around you from the vantage point of unconditional Love. That’s what it is. Everything runs on Love. The entire power of the Allness, of the Oneness, into infinity and beyond is Love. If there is no Love, there is no infinity. There is no “beyond” infinity. The Creator energy; the power of the Creator energy; is purely and simply Love. While Love rules, you are safe. You will always be safe. You will always be cared for, protected, watched over, and loved simply because the power of, and the power behind, the Creator, and all of creation is Love.
Love will never ever be withdrawn. Even in your darkest moments love is alive and alight because it is within you. Within your darkest moments of despair and depression say “I AM LOVE”. Light the spark of love within you. No negativity, no depression or despair. It all dissipates. It all dissipates. Nothing, nothing, can withstand the power of Love.

Now there have been many great beings; there have been many ascended masters; and those on their way to ultimate ascension, have been here embodied on your planet to show you the way. They have embodied the principles of Love. While some may not have spoken Love, they demonstrated it. They exemplified it. They exemplied Love! That was the example they set hoping that you could follow that. Those that could not fully comprehend and fully understand the depth of the meaning of Love could at least relate to it and follow their example. So where does that bring us to today? Everyone of you here, hearing these words. Everyone who will read these words. If they choose; if you choose; to be Love, to exemplify Love, you will have done a great service, not only to yourself; not only to your sovereign soul self; but to your local community, your nation, the entire planet… because Love knows no boundaries. Love is an ocean without perameters. Love is the ocean of Allness; Of Allness! So now, having heard, and hopefully digested my words, you are now well armed to face your future. You are now well advised and well armed to change everything about you and in your life. It is not too late to change your experience and lesson plan simply because this alteration has already been built in; it has been built in, it has been provided for, on your pathway. Before you became incarnated, all – all who hear and read – before you became incarnate, we, from the Brotherhood of Love in the realms made you a promise that we would come to you and explain what Love is. We would reveal the power and the benefits, not only of Love, but of being Love. If you are going to exemplify Love you must be it! Be Love! Everything you do; ask yourself before you do it, before you say it, “is this an expression of Love”. Everything you have encountered in your life, everything, every decision, ask yourself, is this an expression of Love? I AM LOVE. Being that, I can only express Love. I can only be an example of Love. I can be nothing else. If you can come to terms with that. If you can apply that in your life, in your daily life, I promise you, you will have made giant, giant strides forward; whether you can see it immediately or not the benefits are there. The benefit is there for you if you so choose it. Choose Love. Whatever the question, whatever the issue, Love is the answer.
I think that shall suffice for this evening. We of the Brotherhood have given you quite a lot to ponder, contemplate, consider, and put into action. Put into action in your life, in your daily life. Why does the Brotherhood of Love exist? It is because we are part of the Creator’s Love. We are Love; so we come to you with Love. And now beautiful souls, I depart with Love.

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