Aristo: Care for Self and The Planet

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Aristo: Care for Self and The Planet.

Well, June was a month of disruptions and alterations… not to mention the erratic “shakedown” effects of the full moon and solstice energy which affected and buffeted many souls on their journey.  Looking back over the past month I find that many souls contacted me requesting healing sessions for physical / mental / emotional issues manifesting in their life and wanting to be re-balanced and reset on their pathway.

The previous months message communicated by Enoch of the Light – the “Real” one – really struck a chord with a great number of people. That chord was not in every instance a harmonious one with several people being shaken up and resenting being urged to stand up for Truth: to be Truth, to speak Truth; to act truthfully in every instance. A couple of dear shaken-up souls came to me with tears in their eyes asking for clarification and guidance associated with their daily way of living and being.  They were unsure about their attitude, feelings, and concerns. All is in Divine Order.

Following on from the Enoch message I arranged to hold an informative “talk” session at the Cairns Spiritual Centre to expand upon Enoch’s Truth message: the origins of our existence; and of course answer any and all questions as openly and honestly as I could. It was a low key affair which went off quite well with audience participating, without getting into too much “deep and meaningful” dialogue on the various issues. It was obvious on the night that each of the individuals attending were at different levels of understanding and readiness to accept the information being discussed.

Because of prearranged family commitments the usual end-of-month Ravenshoe channeling session had to be postponed for one week and carried over to Friday July 1st. Also arranged was the inclusion of a co-host for the day, award winning singer Lia Scallon ( whose impressive presence and crystal skull energy contribution made for an exciting and inspiring event. It was rewarding to find that quite a number of souls filled the meeting room with their combined energy giving it an almost electric feel; tingles up the spine. Wow!

Several people have now noticed and commented upon the fact that while Aranuth is obviously my principal guide, several other highly evolved beings from various vibratory levels are finding that (with Aranuth’s permission) they can find seamless vibratory accommodation with my energy and deliver their individual message: it is as though I am stationed on a frequency channel that is open to those noble and exalted beings who wish to carry out the will of the Creator and assist with the upliftment of all mankind.

The Message:

Good evening everyone! May I welcome you here this evening, as I too have been welcomed here.  Firstly I would like to comment on the circle of fire that surrounds the composition of this gathering here on this evening.  For those of you who have the eyes to see; when I look around, you will see golden, golden flames of protection.  You are sitting in the  middle of a circle of golden fire.  We have deliberately, most deliberately, concocted a circle of golden protection energy for you on this day so that you may absorb every trickle of energy, knowledge, information, and guidance.

Allow me to introduce myself: I am Aristo.  I come to speak with you in simple terms so that you may totally understand what is happening to your planet, everything upon it, and most importantly, happening to you souls incarnate.  Firstly: in plain and simple terms; let me tell you about your universe.  Yours is not the only universe in existence.  There are multiples of universes that your scientists are not yet aware of; and I suspect they will never become aware of the totality of the number of universes because the universes continue to grow and expand, and grow and expand.  So as fast as you think you can gain an understanding of the number of universes, creation has already raced ahead of you and produced more.  Ha, ha, ha.

So now if we draw that back in to a more localized version, I would like you to view, and think simply, about the planets in your universe.  Previously other beings of light have come to you, before me, to inform you that nothing stands still.  There is no such thing as stagnation.  The Creator has decreed that every single atom of creation must continue to grow and expand.  With that background I would like to now tell you that the energies that surround, permeate, and flow to your earth, are of course cosmic, galactic, in nature.  Now, when we look at your universe as a single solitary unit, the positions of the planets in your universe continue to grow, alter, expand, and change.  If you were to ask your scientists they will tell you that they are now micro-measuring the distances that are altering between the planets.  Not only that, but the size, the shape, the weight, the circumference, and measurements of each of these planets is in a constant state of change.  Remember, no stagnation. You may be interested to know that your very sun shrinks daily.  Yes! Your very sun shrinks; and over a period of millennia the sun will be much smaller until such time when the energy of the universe reverses itself. (Aristo indicates with his hand a circle in clockwise rotation, then reverse and circle anticlockwise) whereupon everything starts to grow and expand outwards again.

Now, having told you that as background information, you are all aware, or you should be aware, that the energies, the ever-changing, ever-altering energy of your universe continually affects your planet and everything upon it. So even as we have this conversation you are continually altering and changing in response to the changed energy that flows to you.  Now each human has a blueprint.  Within that blueprint, within the cellular structure, is a very minuscule cellular structure of your body which is an exact replica of the universe.  Hmm! Now then, the universe constantly and continually, alters and changes, and the reflection of your outer universe is in the micro / minuscule cellular structure of your body … which is a mirror of that outer universe, which is altering and changing continually.  So now you are aware of why you, as an incarnate, as energy incarnate in a human physical body, you are now aware of why you continually undergo change; and the universe out there is continually altering, changing, re-positioning itself, and fluctuating in the power of the cosmic radiation … so too are you! That is why you may rise up from your beds each morning and think you may be about to have a terrible day, or a good day; whether you are going to feel well, or whether you are going to feel unwell; or you are going to feel happy or unhappy. This is your physical response to the changing energy, the changing structure of the energy of the universe, which is replicated in the micro cells of the universe and the micro cells of your physical.  So now, it would be a grand folly for you to be continually running to your doctors and healers to try and define or cure what is happening to you; and simply put, you are responding to creation; you are ever-changing, ever-altering, ever expanding, creation. That is what you are.  Creation!

Now that we have brought that back down to this solid matter level, the real essence of what I wish to speak to you about, the very essence of this discourse if I may say so, is to make you aware of the reasons behind the alterations and changes to your planet, and to every single thing, every single aspect, of what is happening to and on your planet.  So you when you are feeling unbalanced, out of sync, out of harmony, you seek medical attention or spiritual attention; so too does your planet require attention. Now your planet, mother earth, Gaia, which suffers tremendously at the hands of some of your incarnates who control much of the happenings of this planet: now I am talking about international trade, I am talking about international finance, I am talking about wars, I am talking about terrorism, I am talking about interaction between individuals, states, nations, across the whole planet.  Everything that is happening at present is shall we say, micro-managed realignment, attempting to accommodate and fit the new energy.  Now mother earth cannot run of to the doctors or medical centres but what she can do is, she can cry out to you, cry out to you for help.  Firstly, stop wounding her.  Secondly, do what whatever possible to heal mother earth.  Because if you can bring mother earth back to pristine, the image that you hold of heaven on earth, if you were work towards restoring mother earth to a pristine condition, you as inhabitants of mother earth would be carrying yourself back to peace, harmony, understanding, tolerance, and peaceful co-operation.  You would move away from the aggression, and the wars, and the greed, the lies, the control, the cheating and deceit.  You would move away from that mainly because that is not you.  You came here as a grand experiment; you came here to learn, to grow, and to expand in a similar manner to the universe; in harmony, in synchronization; however over the years things have become delinquent.  They have been become corrupt.  The population of this earth have forgotten what they are here for.  They don’t seem to care anymore.

We in the realms continually, continually radiate energy to this planet.  We hold your planet in balance.  In the realms we hold your planet in a delicate balance.  And we have to make urgent adjustments every time you do something to hurt the earth; you send out a negative vibration that almost knocks this planet off its axis!  What we are looking for here for all the populations of the planet is peace, love, harmony, and understanding.  You really will benefit from getting back to peaceful co-existence and  sharing. Sharing the abundance of this planet.  But not only abundance, sharing the responsibility as stewards carrying this planet into the future.  Into a beautiful future.

Why I come, why I am here to talk to you in this rather plain manner, is to prompt you, prompt you to stop and think.  This planet is your home.  If you wound this planet you set up an erratic vibration which goes out to your universe and your inner universe; the universe structure within your micro cellular structure.  So that negative, erratic, insane, energy goes into your inner universe as well.  It goes to the outer and inner universe and it sets up and causes disharmony.  So you are not doing just yourself a disservice; you are not just wounding mother earth, the planet who you totally rely upon; but you are disrupting the energy of the entire universe and multiverses.  I have previously told you that this is not the only universe; there are many universes, great numbers of them.  When you upset the balance of the vibration on this planet in your universe, there is an overflow effect.  The unbalanced energy of your universe radiates out in waves has an effect on other universes.  You are not entitled to do that!  Not ever!  You are not entitled to affect other universes.  In all reality, and in all honesty, you are not entitled to disrupt the energy of your own universe and your own planet.

However, we do not stand in judgement of that; we simply come to advise.  To advise! Not to give orders.  To advise you as to the best way to conduct your personal self.  Because if every soul incarnate conducts their personal self impeccably, impeccably! So too will the cosmic energy affecting this planet start to go into reverse; which will reverse all the hurt, and pain, and pollution; it will reverse it! Gaia will recover and once again become a thing of great beauty.  You already know that mother earth, Gaia, because of your laggardly and negative thoughts and activities, has decided that she needs to “self heal”.  She needs to shrug off; she needs to shrug off all that negativity.  She has to heal the woundings: she has to cleanse herself once again; she has to cleanse herself because earths population is not effecting and radiating that.  They are not radiating healing in a major manner to help cleanse and heal the planet. So now you don’t have to actually add two and two together to find out that mother earth has chosen to fight and heal herself of the fires, the floods, the earthquakes, the tsunamis, and numerous and various other things. In effect what she is doing is to completely and effectively cleanse and heal herself because the population of the earth have neglected her when they should be nurturing her.

And so, I have come this day to advise you that now! Now! is a most important point in your evolution to start reversing the oppression, the wars, the terrorism, the pollution, the bombings, the explosions, the wounding.  Now is the time for you to reverse that.  I am here to tell you that your future from this very point on; your very future goes into a more powerful, more potent era. An era of cleansing and re balancing.  Your very social, financial, and industrial structures are shaking. Some will crumble; some will fall.  Like the phoenix, some will rise from the ashes in a vastly different form.  Now we bring this information to you not to cause fear, but to advise you that you are the stewards of this planet.  What we in the realms would recommend to you is to stay calm, peaceful, send love and light, and the let the storms of change that are washing over the planet; let the storms pass.  Dare not stand in their way for fear of being over whelmed; allow it, allow it, allow it.  Whatever is happening to and on your planet, if you cannot positively affect it then allow it and keep out of the way.  Keep out of the way!  Keep out of harms way!

But you can do wonderful things if you decide within yourself that each and every one of you personally is going to take some level of responsibility  for the state of this planet, of the universe, the one that is within you and around you.  Take personal responsibility for it.  And it all it starts with a positive thought.  A positive attitude.  A kind and positive action.  Show a bit of compassion and understanding towards your fellow man.  So as I have previously said, your planet is now approaching a point in time where everything is on a precarious balance.  Precarious balance! Precarious social structure, finance, law, business, and international relations.  Everything is up for grabs!  Everything is in the mix; everything is on a fine point of balance.  I would urge you to choose compassion, tolerance, love, and understanding and do whatever you feel possible to assist mother earth to cleanse herself; to become the beautiful planet that she was previously was; and then you may return to the place that you may call the Garden of Eden.

This is the first time that I, Aristo, have come to deliver a message, and I find that I have been adequately accommodated by this medium.  If called upon I shall return at a future time.  Thank you for being here and the fires of love, light, and protection will continue to surround you, and each and everyone of you will take a portion of that flame, that light, that protection away with you when you leave.

This session was filmed and will be up on YouTube ( / youtube) very shortly.

Rainbows & Rose,

Love and Light,


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