Change your Thoughts, Change your Perception and Change your Attitude.

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Change your Thoughts, Change your Perception and Change your Attitude.


Christmas and New Year has come and gone and we are now into a brand new year; 2017, a year of new beginnings. I can’t predict what 2017 will bring however after reading the following message from Aranuth we can be sure that if we diligently apply positivity to every aspect of our lives 2017 will be a year to remember.

My autobiography is at the printers now and will be available within the next couple of weeks. The first print run, a limited edition, which was not advertised outside of my local area in North Queensland sold 100 copies. This new print run will be available everywhere by mid-February. Purchase details will be advertised on my website.

Peace, Positivity, & Happiness


The Message:

Well good evening everyone.  Welcome again.  Welcome to all my friends; my dear friends,  old friends and new friends.  Ha, Ha, hmm … Well, we have something new and different for you today.  Parts of it will be “same old, same old”; parts of it will be encouraging you to keep going, to keep  expanding  and growing.  Parts of it are to encourage you to become what you truly are.  You now have to achieve “what you truly are”.  Now that sounds a bit crazy doesn’t it?  If you really are what you already are, what you have to achieve is to become the being that you truly are.  Ha, ha, ha.

I am talking about duality. We are talking about the duality of you; the duality of self.  What we are talking about is your physical self and your true self, your inner beingness: inner self; the energy, that beingness that you are;  that grand cosmic being that you are.  That’s what you have to become.  You already are a grand creator. A grand cosmic being.  But you are also, on the opposite side of the coin, you are also physically embodied, aha hmm:  we will just change that word embodied to “imprisoned”.  So you are imprisoned in the physical embodiment; and while you are in this embodiment, and while you suffer that handicap of physicality, you will now have to break out.  Break through the matrix. Break through the veil.  Break through the bubble, the barrier, and become who and what you truly are; a grand cosmic creator.  Yes! Ha ha.

Now that sounds simple doesn’t it.  From where we are, it is simple.  But I remember when we were embodied it was not that simple at all.  However, we will deal with that.  Now, we would like to commence by reminding you,  we would like you to carry in your frontal lobe, in your memory, your consciousness in the totality of your beingness, that you already are everything.  You already are oneness, allness; you are complete.  You lack nothing.  Now, allness, oneness, that is where you are going back to.  That’s your goal.  That’s the end of your journey.  Now when I say journey, I am taking into consideration the multiples of life journeys where you have been here, embodied over many life journeys, because it would be pretty tough to expect you to go from a physical being to cosmic being in one single lifetime.  That is a very large step that takes many, many lifetimes of lessons, experiences, etc. etc.

On this planet, on this third dimensional planet you call Mother Earth, which is a place of your choosing,  it’s a place that you have constructed.  Ha Haa, Yes, you constructed it: it never existed until you constructed it as a place of learning; as a place of experience; as a place of allowing your self to expand and grow.  So that’s what you are doing here.  Do I need to remind you that it’s all a grand illusion? .. ha ha ha.  It’s a grand illusion.  Now you see it, now you don’t.  The reason why you see, is because you chose to be here on this earth: this is your playground; this is your school; this is your place of learning and experiencing and growing and achieving maximum soul growth and expression.  Sounds grand doesn’t it?  Well, it’s not all that difficult.  We in the realms watch and observe. Sometimes we smile, sometimes we don’t,  when we see what you are going through – let me amend that – what you are putting yourself through on this journey.  This journey is meant to be one of love, of light, of joy, of happiness. It was never intended that your journey would be one of pain, one of heartache, one of depression.  But they are by-products.  They are by-products of your thoughts and mental constructs.  They are by-products of your mental, err .. shall we say dreams, your fantasies, your illusions, and these are all the products of monkey mind.  Monkey mind!  Monkey mind constructs many things.

You are not really meant to construct anything.  You are meant to access and discover what really is.  What really is!  Not what you may think of , or dream of, or construct in your mind.  Your mind is a very powerful tool.  It can be a very powerful weapon.  A weapon of destruction.  It can be the weapon that destroys your happiness, your joy, your love, if you allow it to.  Your mind can also lead you to wonderful and magnificent things.  Your mind can lead you into beauty.  It can lead you anywhere that you choose to go.  Now in this life, if you can only grasp the fact, you can use your mind to create.  You can use your mind to create anything that you want in this life.  And you do create anything and everything in your life.  Yes, you create every single instant, every single issue in your life.  You, through your mind power, are a grand creator.  You are a grand creator and it happens mostly by accidental manifestation.  Ha, Ha, Ha. I say accidental because the majority of you dear souls on earth here now embodied have this in a knowing, an inkling, that they can use the power of their mind to create anything.  However, they doubt, they often doubt, they seriously doubt, that they can manifest it.  You can manifest it!  The life you are living now, you created it, you manifested it. You! manifested it.  So, you can have another turn.  You can have another go at it.  It’s simple.  Change your thoughts.  Change your perception.  Change your attitude. Go back to creating with love; with light; with laughter; with joy.  It’s fun.  Don’t make it miserable by creating through your monkey mind;  through your delinquent mind. Don’t use that delinquent mind to create pain, hurt, betrayal, depression.  Why would you want to create that, and the follow-on action is to manifest, something of negativity.  That’s the biggest lesson that you have to face on this planet, in this illusion.

You see, with your mind, if you can imagine it, if you can conceive, it you can perceive it, then you will create it and it will become manifest.  Simply because the universe never, ever, denies you.  The universe cannot and will not deny you.  If there is a denier present, it is within you.  It is within you.  So what we would like to say to you is, watch your thoughts carefully because thoughts have lives.  Thoughts become life, they become alive.  They become part of your created reality.  So, do not create and manifest a pathway filled with pain and heartache in this reality, or in other realities, when you have the knowledge and ability to create wondrous things.  You could liken this life as a school for budding magicians because you have the magic in you.  It just needs to be nurtured, developed, and expressed with confidence.  With confidence!  knowing that it really works.  It does.  So if you go about your life pathway smiling, positive, happy,  what you are creating is precisely that.  A lifetime of life, love, and laughter.

Now there is a qualifier.  The qualifier is your chosen pathway of experiences and lessons which were written into the script of this your present life pathway for a very, very, good reason.  You see, every soul is at a different level or stage of development.  Every soul has the sovereign right to experience and learn from anything that they wish to place on this pathway as part of their learning, growing, experience.  You have your script.  You have your pathway.  It is not set absolutely in concrete.  It allows for variation.  As you grow and expand and accumulate wisdom and knowledge, your pathway actually shifts; it moves and accommodates , accommodates, what it is that you have just learned; what it is that you have just become.  So even though you have come here with a well-scripted, well-thought out, well-planned life pathway, it still remains flexible.   Flexibility can be fostered by the use of your mental powers. The positive use of your mental powers.  Positivity.  As you think, you create and manifest.  So it only stands to reason, it only makes sense, that you really wouldn’t want to be thinking dark, negative thoughts, would you?  Or would you?  Do you intentionally focus your thoughts only on positivity or do you  do you focus positively, absolutely on love, light, joy, happiness, abundance? or do you allow yourself to slip back into the bog, into the mire of negativity?  I would like you to think about that.

Where you are right now on your pathway.  You and only you have the power to change or alter your role in that instant.  In an instant.  Change your thoughts, change your life.  Instead of feeling down and depressed, “oh woe is me, woe is me”, that is what you create.  Because what you put out there in thought the universe reads that as, “this is what they want in their life”.  “This will make my life complete”.  So the universe obeys.  And not only give you that, sometimes it will give you even more of it without you even asking.  This is an extremely important issue for you souls incarnate to focus upon.  This is probably one of the most important mountains that you will have to climb.  It’s all about using your mind whilst at the same time listening to your heart: listening to the guidance and advice of your inner beingness, your higher consciousness, so when you have a thought and that thought is composed of, and guided by, your higher consciousness, your inner beingness operating through your mind, once you get all that in train, in synchronicity, in harmony, it will all happen just like that.  Bang!  It happens.

Do you know that when you get upset, angry, critical and all that sort of thing?  The universe goes “whooo-hooo they like this, so I’ll give them lots more of it”.  Do you want lots more of that?  No!  The same applies to positivity. Positive thoughts, positive words, positive deeds.  If you get on the pathway of positivity, happiness, and joy; and while you are on that pathway you really do feel joy at the wonderful thing that you are going to create on your wonderful pathway full of love, light and abundance; so too does the universe says “clap, clap, clap , they love that, I’ll give them more of it”; and they do give you more of it.  And that’s what you want, isn’t it?  Don’t you want more happiness, more joy, more love, more peace, more power, more abundance.  Don’t you want that?  Well you have to express that to the universe so they know precisely what it is to give you.  What it is that will become manifest. So you, and only you,  are the creator of every single minute of every issue, every aspect in your life.

Gone are the dark old days of the old ages where it was convenient to blame somebody else.  Ages gone by, many people sought to shed responsibility, deny responsibility for their life circumstances by apportioning blame.  And they apportioned blame to anyone, to anything.  However, they could not, they could not deny that  is they themselves that have to accept blame.  If there is such a thing as blame.  Is there such a thing as blame?  Well, unfortunately, blame should not exist in any way shape or form.  There is no blame.  Blame only comes about through judgement.  Misguided judgement.  You on your pathway are presented with a situation or an issue; this is your learning opportunity.  So you now have options.  You now have choices.  How best to deal with this issue?  You take up an option.  That option has a result.  There is no positive, negative, good or bad result.  There is only the result of the option, of the action that you took.  So,  did it work out.? Did it not?  Don’t worry. You can have another go at it.  You can have as many goes at it as you like.  But, please do not blame yourself, do not blame others, do not blame the government, or God  ha, ha, there is no blame.  There is only your judgement.  You can eliminate judgement.  You can throw that into the rubbish bin.  No judgement!

So over-lighting all those things are your thoughts.  Your thought pattern.  The contents of your thoughts.  Again, I say to you, your mental is not meant to control you or control any situation or events in your life.  Your mind is your tool.  It’s your magical, magical tool.  You use the mind to think the positive, creative thoughts that then become manifest in your life.  Eons of time, eons of lives of conditioning, old erroneous conditioning, still clings to you.  That is why you fall back into that pit, that slump of negativity of negative thoughts.  Negative thoughts. Negative mood.  Negative actions.  Its old, old conditioning that needs to be consigned to the rubbish bin.  It needs to be transmuted, transformed and discarded.  Whatever method you wish to use.  Right now at this now, now moment, in your life, and in your world affairs, the very future of this planet, this realm of solidity, the future lies in your hands, your individual hands, your group hands, the mass of hands of souls incarnate.  You can transform this entire reality in a very, very, short time if one and all chooses positivity, joy, happiness, laughter, peace, love.  You can achieve magical things, absolutely magical.  But it would be unwise to expect the entire mass of souls currently incarnate in this reality to all of a sudden wake up and start using their mind of positive thoughts, the creative thoughts using the mind to change the world.

A good place to begin is with yourself. Begin with yourself.  Take a chance.  Have courage.  Step out there and do it.  What can happen other than you living a more positive and fun-filled life.  And if you think it is going to lead you to total destruction …  ha ha ha .. well what happens?  Back you come.  Back you come to the world of spirit where we are waiting for you.  You lost nothing.  But it’s not going to happen.  It may happen if you think it so.  But then again, after this little talk you just might find it unwise to even think that anything is going to go wrong.  What can go wrong? oh goodness gracious!  And so the reason why my brothers and myself are here today with this group message is that you are now starting a new year.  You are now starting a new era in your life and the life of this planet.  I know you call it new beginnings.  If you are intent on having a new beginning, why not make it a very, very, positive, happy, loving, fun-filled beginning which the universe would take hold of run with it and keep creating exactly that.  Because that is what you desired.  Your desire goes out like a heart-felt prayer request, which it is to a certain extent.  So before I depart.  I would like to remind you of the benefits of positive thoughts. I don’t even want to mention negative thoughts and their result because you are living that right now.  Many are living it right now.  So lets delete that; lets only have positive thoughts.  Speak positive words.  Take positive action, and enjoy the results of your positive life. Hmm .. Thank you.  I leave you to your refreshments and social chit-chat.  I am of course, Aranuth … who else? Ha, ha.  Good evening.  Thank you.  God Bless.


  1. So good to read this. Am going through a culling issue & this has got me back on track.Thank you Thank you Thank you Aranuth & to you Malcolm.

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