El Morya: A Better Way

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El Morya: A Better Way.

Hello everybody;

It seems like ages since I last posted a message: perhaps with everything that is happening around the globe, life experiences and happenings on fast forward, there are so many things happening in a short, compressed,  space of time … or does it just seem that way? Many people have commented that everything appears to be happening at once. Not only that but, the cosmic energy fluctuations is upsetting their “life flow” and knocking them off their usual level of harmony. Also commented upon by others was the not-so-illusory advent of their daily life experiences and lessons not making sense, happening willy-nilly, one crowding on top of another. It seems as though all lessons must be completed in quick-step time.

The answer to all of these issues is regular periods (an hour a day? – as often as possible?) of meditation, quiet contemplation, inner reflection; where everything of a 3rd dimensional, solid-matter substance – that is fertile ground for a worrying mind, a “monkey mind”, (the trickster) – is cleared away to allow us to move into a place of peace,  harmony, and  spiritual ecstasy. My special time is around 3 a.m. when my part of the universe is relatively still and quiet allowing the guides to get to me unhindered.

The Message:

Good Evening everyone.  Welcome once again to this house of light.  We have come today with a message that will assist you greatly on your pathway of growth and advancement.  After much consultation and determination, it was decided, collectively, that now was more than an appropriate time to give you information and guidance if you wish to accept it to help you along your pathway.  Now this information is designed to change your entire focus on your life.  Change your attitude to your life and everything in it.  In effect, we are now going to show you the easy pathway.

For far too long, too many of souls incarnate have stumbled along their pathway knowing and not yet knowing where they are going; why they are going there; or what they may find when they arrive at the unknown destination.  The destination that you so often called enlightenment.  Enlightenment is not the final destination.  Enlightenment is the pathway.  It is the pathway.  You don’t go to enlightenment.  You use enlightenment to become. To simply become.  What are you planning on becoming?  You are planning on becoming light and love on your path back to the Source.  So, for quite eons of time, we have left you to your own devices.  We have left you with your free-will choice.  We have watched you floundering like a beached whale on your pathway.  As a result of your free-will choice you have now reached a point, many of you many of you have reached a point, where on your pathway, you have now discovered that you have not gone ahead at all.  You have in fact gone around in circles.

This dimension was never designed to be easy as such.  You designed this dimension and everything in it as your place of experiencing, learning, and growing. Now somewhere along the line you lost focus.  You lost sight of why you are here, and what you are doing, and where you are even likely to end up.  You have already been told, advised, that at this present time, your planet is undergoing and will continue to undergo great changes.  Now may I point out to you that these changes may appear to be both of a topical or subterranean nature such as earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and such.  This is of course a method that mother earth uses to cleanse herself of everything that pollutes, wounds, poisons, or assails it.  Mother earth is not composed simply of physical matter.  It is not just physical solidity,  Mother earth is also energy.  She has an energy of her own.  She has a twin, a duplicate of what you visually observe.  She has what you cannot observe; another body, you may call it an etheric body.  It is in fact an energy body which is constantly in a state of change; a state of growth; because this planet is desirous of uplifting itself and having its energy returned to the source the same as your energy desires to grow, expand, advance, and be returned to the source.

So now you are starting to grasp the concept that everything is energy.  Nothing exists that is not energy.  And that energy is of the source.  Everything that you can sense, see, feel, touch, and imagine is energy birthed.  Birthed of the Source.  And as such, it is looking for expression and desiring, wanting, to achieve perfection in whatever vibrational reality it operates in before it returns whole to the source and once more becomes one with the source.  I doubt many of you have ever considered that.

Now then: with the state; with the parlous condition of your planet in this now moment, you can look around, look back, see where you have come; see what advances you have made; see what erroneous decisions and actions you have taken which has prevented, absolutely prevented, mother earth from achieving perfection and returning to the source.  But also, and again, you have prevented yourself individually, and collectively of course, from achieving perfection, so we can excuse you for not knowing.  We can excuse you for not being aware; or completely aware.  But there is no excuse for the collective souls incarnate on this planet for not attempting to correct those erroneous thoughts, words, and deeds that have so sadly and so badly affected all of energy and all of matter.  Every single thought, word, deed, you have has an effect either on this planet of physical matter, on the outcome of what was the planned, designed, for this planet, and also on the energy of this planet, of the self, of the all.

So now you are all aware!  You are also aware; you have been informed; that there are potentials in action right now which will cause concern, harm, distress, and suffering across the planet.  There are not only earth tragedies but there are also the tragedies in the planned life pathways of souls incarnate: the wars, the famine, starvation, the illnesses. These could have been avoided, averted, or dealt with in a caring, compassionate, manner and so be eliminated except that those with the power and wealth to do so refuse to help, to do so.  That is their choice!  We do not judge.  For those of you who wish to advance, to grow, to become, to experience soul growth and soul enrichment on your way back to becoming at one with the source, we have information to assist you – and assist you greatly it will.  You have two clear choices.  Positivity or negativity! Sitting on the fence is not a choice; not an option!  Being stagnant is not a choice!  Turning to stone is not a choice!  Believe me, had souls incarnate chosen positivity previously their advancement would be far, far greater than where you are now.  Where you find yourself now.

Dear souls, it is the manner in which you address every minute of your life.  Every issue in your life.  Every atom of your beingness reflects your attitude, your thoughts, your words, your deeds.  You cannot miss what your attitude is.  We simply have to look at you and you are unmasked.  Now, we have discussed this at great length in the realms.  The community of ascended masters have discussed this at great length.  We have decided that now is the time for us to offer you a grand opportunity should you now choose, decide that from this moment, this very millisecond of your time.  Should you choose to adopt positivity, acceptance, harmony, peace, light.  It’s all one really.  I have just said these are aspects of the whole.  What is required to change the course of this planet, and more so more tellingly, change the course of your individual and collective lives, is to choose positivity in every second, every millisecond, of your life.  It would be of great benefit if you would eliminate any thought, any word, any action that is not of the light, not of the love, not of the positivity.  If you choose to go into the dark side … so be it.  If you decide to advance, for your community to advance, for your state, your nation your planet; if you choose to advance everything and propel yourself back to the source, well now is the time to start showing compassion, tolerance, understanding, care, sharing of abundance with others, coupled with your decision to go in peace, in harmony, to accept what is, knowing that the very positivity that you radiate, and that others radiate, is going to steer this ship, this ship of mother earth and everything upon it.  It is going to steer it into an upward trajectory on its way home to the Source.

Numerous times, numerous times, we have come and have spoken to you about positivity, about focusing on love, on light.  Demonstrating that; pulling it into action; love, light, compassion, tolerance, assistance to your fellow man.  Taking care, showing that same care and compassion for your planet, for everything upon it, and it comes down mainly to simple positivity.  If you walk continually in peace, in harmony, and in positivity, you cannot help but assist with the growth and the expansion of the Allness.  The Oneness.  Everything!

So now if we bring that down to a very individual and personal level what would be your daily actions?  What would be your daily activity?  Well you could start by, as you awaken, appreciate the beauty of your surroundings.  Appreciate the abundance that you have.  Send out positive, happy, peaceful, thoughts to one and all.  And for the remainder of your day hold yourself in a place, a space, of what you would call a “State of Grace”.  Hold yourself in that state where everything you look upon is all in accordance with the Creator’s Grand Plan.  Feel peace.  Feel happiness.  Feel joy.  Feel the acceptance of what surrounds you, of your life.  Know that providing that you keep on radiating peace, love, harmony, acceptance, all of those great values that I have just listed, while you are radiating those to one and all, so too does it set up a resonance not only in the other human incarnates around you but also the Oneness around you; your planet, the trees, the animals, the oceans, everything. There is a harmonic resonance involved and attached to the All.

Now I would like you to think about this.  Whilst you walk in a state of grace, in a state of peace, in a state of harmony, a state of ecstasy, of light and beingness, you radiate that energy.  You may not perceive the final result but rest assured the energy that you are radiating will resonate with the all, everything; the Allness, the Oness, the everything around you.  It will resonate and it will set up a harmonic vibration of that light, of that peace, of that joy, of that acceptance, of that beauty.  Too many, far too many, souls open their eyes of the morning and we hear them say: Ohhh God!! Well what a wonderful way to start the day.  What a wonderful way to set up an absolutely negative resonance.  Not only within yourself, but in the things around you.  I would like to tell you about resonance.  Resonance is like a sounding board.  It’s like a flexible mirror.  What you radiate reflects back to you.  Are you not part of the Oneness, of the Allness?  What ever vibration you are putting out to the Oneness and the Allness is being resonated back to you as well as radiating out to the Oneness and the Allness of which you are part.  So you are compounding your problem.  You are compounding your negativity!  If you choose peace, harmony, ecstasy, joy, love, light, positivity, the resonance of what you put out comes back.  It’s not simply affecting the others, that mob over there, if affects the Allness.  The Oneness.  If your planet and everything upon it is going to alter its course and head for the Light of the Source … and become that; it will not happen if you choose anything, any thing other than positivity, happiness, love, light, abudance, caring, compassion.  Start your day, everyday, with that in mind, and carry, carry it through your day.  Of course there will be little trials and tribulations along the way through your day however it is vital that you also radiate acceptance, love, light, positivity to that as well.  Because if something comes along in the middle of the day to upset you on your pathway, to shake your tree, and you choose a negative, grinding, aggressive, response, then you have just made an erroneous, a seriously erroneous choice.

Acceptance.  Accept what is.  Deal with it with love, light, positivity.  Providing that you stay on the positive side of the scale you will notice the positive effects of the energy that you radiate, that you emanate.  How many of you scream, yell, become aggressive and judgmental, become threatening even.  Every time you adopt that you pull all the darkness in on top of you.  You pull the all of the negativity in on top of you.  So don’t forget “what you put out resonates back to you”.  If you want to send out aggression, anger, any of that, anything on the negative side; if you want to radiate that, the harmonic resonance will send it back to you express delivery!  So you will get more of what you just sent out; you exacerbate the problem not solve it.  Nothing has ever been solved by aggression, war,  hatred, killing, and violence;   It only escalates the situation.  And when the situation escalates to an uncontrollable  proportion, everyone calls to us in the realms … Help! Help!  Help us! So we come to rescue you.  Why do you need rescuing? Because you repeatedly, repeatedly, go back into depression, aggression, hatred, all that negative stuff.  It’s like a big dark merry-go-round.  However, we go to the other side, the light, the love, the acceptance, the compassion, the tolerance.  When you put that out the harmonics that come back to you is precisely what you put out.  Put out happiness, and happiness comes back.  Radiate joy, thankfulness, acceptance, and it comes back.

So now at this point in your time, on your pathway, and the pathway of this planet, this reality, you are at the crossroads … we can use that term.  You are at the crossroads.  There is a sign here pointing that way, saying “negativity”.  Or there’s another sign, and that sign is pointing this way saying “positivty”, “change is this way”.  Which pathway do you think you would like to walk?  If you choose the pathway of love, light, acceptance, harmony, joy; if you choose that pathway, you know what your pathway is going to be filled with.  What you put out comes back!  Now of course there will be little tests and trials but then again if you are constantly in the positivity, when you hit a speed bump on your pathway you will deal with it with love and light and acceptance.  So that speed bump becomes a non-event, you just overcame it with your love , your light and positivity.  Sometimes it may take a day or two, a week, or a month, however it will have a positive ending.  If you cannot see a positive ending simply know that there is one. There most certainly is one.  So I would ask you to be in a state of grace, a state of positivity, a state of love and light-grace; carry yourself in that state at all times.  Be that. Be in that state.  Be that energy!  And of course what you are radiating is absorbed by your planet. Everything about you, everything right down to the last grain of sand on the beach; everything will register that vibration and will benefit positively from what you are radiating.  Now that is quite simple to understand.  Very simple.  I have spoken of what I consider to be in the most simplistic terms for your ease of understanding, and for the completeness of your understanding, and so the only thing left for us in the realms to say is: It’s your choice.  It’s your choice!  God bless you and thank you for being in the energy of my words.  I am El Morya.  Thank you.

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