Positive Energy Focus: Alessandro

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Hello everyone – I am happy to release new channeling: Positive Energy Focus by Alessandro.

It is that time again; a new message has come through, and oh boy, is it a beauty. All of the channeled messages are “good” insomuch as they all contain helpful knowledge, information, and guidance for our future evolution and advancement, but this message on Positive Energy Focus from a new guide of mine, Alessandro, seems to hit the spot with everyone who attended the live session.  One dear soul in the audience remarked that there seem to be more than a few guides lining up to channel a message through me … and Alessandro is the latest. He has stated that he will be returning, so we can look forward to his next visit.

It was really great to be back in Ravenshoe and to catch up with so many friends and acquaintances. Over the last couple of months my usual channelling schedule has been a bit disrupted and irregular for various reasons, however, I am back on track now so we can look forward to receiving regular messages.


Good evening dear souls of the light; in the light.  My message here for you today is not simply of “the light”;  It is of the ‘vibration within the light’.  The vibration/s attached to the light. Now you are familiar with the term, “the light”.  However you are not entirely familiar with what composes the light.  What is the “light”?  Yes, the light is visible, you can also sense it, and you can feel it.  It can and does affect you, not simply just as light.  If you were to dissect the light, you would find within it a vibration.  This is the vibration of creation.  Nothing is created unless it has a vibration.  Why items come into manifestation is because what you are trying to manifest, what you are trying to bring into your light, onto your planet, has to have a match in the universal vibration.  So if what you desire is of a different vibration to the vibration that is in the light; if there is no compatibility, then there is no manifestation.

The reason why I open here this evening with that statement is because what we are going to discuss, what is going to follow, relates directly back to the vibration within the light.  Now before I move on I would like to say that the term ‘vibration within the light’ is not entirely correct.  It is not a singular vibration.  It’s a multiplicity of vibrations.  The trick is selecting the correct vibration that will match your desire…  and bingo!  You have manifestation.  What I would like to remind you all of, and I understand that many of you do not even consider this aspect, is simply that you are a combination of vibrations; you are a vibration combination.  You vibrate at a predetermined frequency but within that vibration, as is within the vibration of the All-ness, is your unique individual vibration.  If you look around at all of your family, your friends, your associates; have you noticed that they do not respond, resonate, or vibrate to the same frequency that you do.  Simple.  You are all unique sovereign individuals.  Every human incarnate on your planet at this present moment has a different set, combination, and value of vibrations that comprise their singular individual vibration.  Understand? So it is folly to expect your friends, your family, your associates, to vibrate at precisely the same frequency as you do … simply because they are all at a different level of experience, of development, of advancement, of achievement.  There are no two the same!  There are a great number who are similar. Similar; but not the same.

Now then, I would like you to consider this: the set of vibrations that currently enclose and permeate your planet can, and does, be affected by the vibration that you, singularly and collectively, emanate. To simplify that; let us say you are aiming, you are wishing, you are desiring, a change to your planet, to your structures. How do you bring about that change?  Firstly, you have to send out a vibration that comes from the heart.  It must be of a quality that is a genuine heart-felt desire.  It has to have this power, this powerful heart-felt desire.  You also need to have intent; you have to intend that your desire is focused completely on a specific outcome.  What is outcome?  You wish to bring something in:  you wish to create something;  you wish to manifest something;  or you wish to change and alter an existing situation or structure on your planet.  You do not under any circumstances look at, or investigate,  or consider “what is” the present situation.  The present situation already is; it does not need anyone to dissect it or bisect it.  It is there.  It is ensconced. It is in operation.  What is it that you want to do?  You want to replace it?  Then you don’t want to modify what you already have there; what already is; you desire to alter or change it.  Hmmnn? Leave it be! Because very shortly you are going to consign it back to the universe … as energy.  What you are desiring is to put a whole new set of circumstances, issues, or structures in place.  Pay no mind.  Pay no attention to what already is installed and what is in place.  It is about to be consigned elsewhere.

So, many of you who wish to change a great number of things about your planet, yourself, your community, your structures, everything; what you have to do is clearly identify what is your “ideal”.  What is your ideal for this reality.  Focus on your ideal.  Put your creative energy, your vibration, into empowering that ideal.  So now you have the ideal; you have the creative energy with the vibration embedded in it … in the thing that you want to bring it in.  You desire that ideal to happen.  You need that ideal to become manifest.  So, whilst are you are focusing your energy into creating and manifesting that ideal or that situation, the universe itself, the ever turning wheel, is like a poker machine. If the conditions are ripe for manifestation then … click, click, click, click, match! (Alessandro uses the right hand indicates the turning of small wheels, while the left hand is moving in larger circles representing how the universe turns) Energy! Vibratory! Match! Small wheels and large wheels click into line like the icons of a poker machine. It will not become manifest if the universal wheel of creation cannot find a compatible vibration within your desire. That is the reason why so many of you have difficulty understanding why you cannot alter or change a specific situation or issue on your planet.

We are more than aware:  very much aware; that you form groups; you have a specific intention to bring in, create, manifest, what you desire.  What would be more beneficial for every one of you souls in that group, whether it be small, large, a local community, or world wide; everyone in that group must focus and hold the same vibration. You must jointly focus on exactly what it is that you wish to bring in. – not each individual’s version of it! What do you want to bring in?  The group, the mass of souls, must agree upon this to create a blueprint so that they’re all singing the same words of the same song in synchronicity and harmony because if they all have different ideas about what it is that they want to manifest, even though it is the one issue; even though they have different ideas about how this is going to be achieved, and when it is going to be achieved, and method involved, as well as those others who are looking at what already is in existence instead of focusing on what they wish to bring in, what they wish to create and manifest; they are focusing on how to tinker with the situation of “what already is”, and hopefully change that ugly “what is” duckling into a beautiful swan. All must hold the one focus and vision with the intention of the focus of their intention becoming manifest!

Well children, let me tell you, rarely do we see group intention focused on the ugly duckling which becomes a beautiful swan.  Rarely.  Rarely! Forget about it.  What is, IS! Leave it alone. What you’re looking for is what is desired; what can be; not what already is … what can be!  What is it that you desire?  Is everyone holding the same view of what is desired?  Is everyone radiating the same vibration to create what is desired?  Yes? Okay we now, we have all the cogs dropping into place.  So the wheel turns, (right hand indicates turning of small wheels) and the wheel of the universe (left hand indicates the turning of a much larger wheel – the universe) tick, tick, tick, Match! Manifest!

Now going back to my words when I first opened this meeting: now you can relate to what I first said, and what I have just spoken about.  Yes, each individual may wish to create or manifest a situation, an issue, an item, whatever – that is purely associated with their own pathway, their own existence, their own experiences in play …  that’s a one-on-one for the individual only. Yes you can create that.  However you must also pay attention to what I previously said about letting go of the old, of the “what is”.  Don’t even think about it!  Adopt the attitude that what is currently in operation or existence, is not there anymore and doesn’t count.  Focus only on what you want to bring in. So, when you discard “what is” there’s a vacuum … and how do you fill a vacuum? Create something to fill it, manifest it; but use your own personal energy, your own personal vibration, to a level of compatibility you personally want. And you will have varying degrees of success.  And of course when I say “varying degrees of success”, it’s because we have various degrees and levels of advancement, understanding, and energy; the variation is always there.  So that’s what you can do for yourself. Your own personal individual level.

Now how are you or your group going to manifest anything different for your third dimension, your world, your planet? Well, firstly you have to all sing the same words of the same song from the same book to the same tune. Match!  Your private and personal desires, issues;  what you wish to create and manifest personally, well, leave that behind; that’s as far as it goes.   So with the current situation in your world now we have a couple of situations that you really do need to look at; to examine very closely.  First of all, what is the pathway of your planet?  What is the set-in-concrete pathway, plan of evolution and advancement of planet earth.  We must take this into consideration.  Your planet is a living thing.  It has a pathway, and it has its own experiences and lessons … just like you have.  This earth, this third dimensional vibration, this illusion, ha, ha, ha, … this illusion, oh it is your creation, has its own pathway and evolution and included in that evolution is of courses experiences and lessons; because this third dimensional planet, you souls, and all souls of that vibration and in that vibration, you souls all have your own individual pathway of evolution and experience and lessons as well; so here we have a duet in concert.  Your planet and your individual self, you are walking your pathway, experiencing the unfoldment, you are evolving, you are having experiences and lessons – and hopefully learning and benefiting  from them. So is planet earth! Hmmn.  You never considered that; I can see that. You never considered that! So now you find that you are in lock-step with this earths vibration and pathway as I just told you.  Your vibration and the vibration of this planet are one.  You are in the mix.  The planet is in the mix.  You are all in the mix.  Everything is in the illusory bubble of your earth.  Everything is in the bubble; and inside the bubble is a vibration, and everything marches to that planetary vibration tune.

Now, another piece of the jig saw.  Taking into consideration that this third dimensional planet has its own pathway with its own individual experiences and lessons, and you are compatible with that, you march in lock step in this third dimensional vibration.  In that vibration you are evolving , are having experiences, doing your lessons, doing the myriad of other things … and there are myriads of things that goes with your evolution.  So, your planet has its own vibration, has its own destiny.  Destiny.  You, every single soul, every living cell; every living cell has its destiny. It has a pathway; it has a destiny.  So if you wish to change your planet, firstly divorce your solitary-self from your solitary personal desires; you are not intent on creating something for yourself – put that in the cupboard, put it behind the curtain.  Now you have to take into consideration that the planet has a pathway and a destiny.  You as individuals have a pathway and a destiny.  So you wish to change something on your planet.  Do you wish to stop or prevent an earthquake?  Do you wish to silence volcanic eruptions?  Do you wish to calm the seas, the flooded waters.  Understandably, you have no way of knowing what the destiny of your planet is.  You have no way of understanding or knowing what evolutionary event, experience, lesson, or anything else is included on earth’s pathway.  You don’t have to beat yourself up. You don’t understand this.  You don’t have to understand it other than the knowing-ness that your planet has a destiny.  And in that destiny, in that brilliant tale of events and happenings, you cannot see that, but you know that it’s there so you allow it. Why do you allow it when you cannot change it?  Destiny.

Now, you wish to change something on your planet.  Is it war? Is it sickness? Is it pestilence?  Is it starvation?  Well, there are some worthy causes; some worthy targets, for you to select from to bring about the change that you desire as a focus group.  The individual, as I  previously explained, will not have the power to affect the wheel and all the little cogs that drop into place … so leave the planet to its destiny.  I am now talking about earth events.  Leave it to its destiny. Yes, send it love and light.  Send it love and light!  Not to change it, but to assist it to achieve its destiny.  Now with world sickness, famine, illness, pestilence, aggression, with all of those targets up for change. Yes, targets; targets for change.  Again don’t focus on “what is”. It is folly to sit there and think about starvation in Africa.  You will achieve nothing, absolutely nothing; because you are focusing on a negative.  You are not focusing on bringing in something beautiful.  You are focusing on a negative that is already installed.  Do not focus on “what is” (already installed).  You are not going to change “what is”; you are going to consign it to the rubbish bin.  What you are going to focus on is good health in Africa.  Happy, healthy, bright eyed people, children playing, happy families, happy nation with all the abundance that they can possibly dream about.  There’s a target! (loud clap!) There’s your target. (clap again) And there are many more targets for you to choose from. Now, find a level of togetherness, acceptance, and compatibility, with as many other souls as you can in your group of 10, 100, 1,000, across the world 10 million.  If you can arrange for, encourage, have all souls who are so concerned by that particular situation; if you can discuss with them and arrange that, ensuring that every one does not focus on “what is” – that is in the rubbish bin – focusing only on what you want to create.  What you want to manifest.

So now if you have an anti-war movement, the anti-war movement should not be doing aggressive, abrasive, disruptive activities because of “what is” – that only exacerbates the situation.  The ideal for such anti-war group, anti-terrorism group, would be to forget entirely “what is” and focus collectively on what they want to bring in, what situation they want installed.  So if you are not focusing on the negativity of the present – you have consigned that to the rubbish bin –  you now have a vacuum you want to fill. That vacuum you want to be filled with peace, harmony, cooperation of  interstate and international commerce and trade; Focus on that!  No one should focus on their version of it because you send out the vibration of (waves his hand down, down down) zzzhhh, zzzhhh, zzzhhh,  if you want it all to gel, and if you want the wheel of the Universe of Creative Energy to move to a position where it all lines up, then  you must all focus on the group vision of what you want to bring in, so you have the power of 10, 100, 1000, 10 million souls all focusing on the one picture, the one set of words, the one song, the one musical score with NO variation, and it will happen (click, snaps fingers) Just like that! You have my guarantee it will happen just like that! Snap!

Now in the realms – although it’s not really important – where I reside, and many others with me, we can see that.  We understand that the population of this planet has a long, long, way to go yet, even if they start communicating with each other and making sure that everyone understands what is the exact and precise situation that they want to create and manifest. It will come in. It will.  So continue, whether in isolation, individually, or groups, to focus on what you think is an injustice, remembering that individuals or large groups, even though they are focusing on and owning the exact same picture of what they want to bring in, the replacement situation, just keep in mind that the planet has its own destiny.

So now we have three sets of circumstances.  We have you dear souls who individually wish to create and manifest a better situation in your world: then we have your groups who work to bring about positive change to the planet and everything upon it; and then you have the planet itself, your planetary vibration, which is following its own evolutionary pathway to its eventual destiny. You will have to get this one to line to up; the other one line up; and the next one to come into line; and then we have to get the universe to line up similar to the analogy I used before of a poker machine.  It has to all line up, cherry, cherry, cherry, match, bingo! Manifestation. I fully realize that you have possibly been exposed to that line of thought; you may not have considered it yourself; you may have never considered the variations of it;  but that’s all okay.  It’s all okay. You are all here for the long haul.  You are all here to experience, to grow, to develop, to expand, to become, and this is all part of it.

I think we might leave it with you my friends at present.  Hopefully, you will have enjoyed my dissertation even though you have never heard of me before.  You have never heard of me before. I have come through this channel to bring helpful information and advice to you.  My name, it matters very little, is Allessandro. I will be coming through to you more often.  I have a contract with this channel and we will both honor that contract to bring more information, guidance, knowledge.  Ask for it, and I will bring it.  Another day, another time, another discussion, another subject.  I have enjoyed this, my first visit. I shall remember this one.  Good Evening dear souls and enjoy your pathway.

Wishing you good health, happiness, abundance, and many blessings.


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