Aranuth Speaks September 2016

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You can’t help but notice the changes taking place all over the planet: to, and around your self, your family, your friends and associates. Witness also the  ever-changing host of headline-grabbing issues (changes) presented daily in your media. Numerous guides and other highly evolved beings have channelled messages through me over a period of many years advising and preparing us for the “coming changes”. But did we all take notice of their messages? Or did we simply glance at the message and put it to one side … “I’ll read it later”?  Well, there is no denying the facts now. What we are witnessing is “A massive Collision of Consciousness”: The consciousness of everything – and I mean every single thing – is changing because of the now-happening collision of your past and present perception of the consciousness of everything versus the new incoming consciousness. Let’s put a finer point on it. Your consciousness, and the your perception of consciousness, has been, and continues to, change moment by moment.

Everyone has, to some  extent, limited or partially limited, an awareness of their level of conscious awareness compared to the consciousness of others around them. Even to the extent that they may be considered a “space cadet”, “in a world of their own”, “off the planet”, or simply a “bloody weirdo”, because of their different perception of the time and space that they occupy: space as in their individually perceived reality. Well, that is precisely it! Everyone has a different, major or minor, perception of how they perceive reality; and every perception of reality is valid. Imagine for one moment that individual realities were similar to bubbles in an absolutely monolithic bottle of champagne: and each of those bubbles housed an individually perceived reality; then you get some idea of how there are as many realities as there are planned pathways of souls incarnate.  And new and more advanced souls are coming in minute by minute to add to the already huge mass of individual consciousnesses and perceived realities.  As time passes – in our time – the final chapter of this third dimensional earth as we know it – we will see a huge expansion of perceived realities / spaces and the vast number of souls that occupy them.

I have noticed that there are now more than a few other spiritual (channellers?)  commentators? who have picked up on, predicted, and ostensibly agree with, the content of the various Aranuth and higher evolved being’s messages and are now posting, disseminating, and circularising this same, or similar, information. If enough people hear, see, or read the channelled information, and absorb it to the point where it becomes a major concern to them, then we may see an increase in the numbers of souls genuinely calling for the return of the Creators Light, the Light and Love of the Source, to restore the planet and its inhabitants to its original pristine condition.

The message below is a clear directive for souls to follow, if they wish to be part of the mass energy movement that will change the world; that is providing that they are ready and willing to discard the old deceitful paradigm of mass control, blindly following old, ingrained, and incorrect belief systems, and are now avidly welcoming and accepting the dismantling of these old erroneous systems, the removal of eons old control implants, and have the courage to de-condition themselves, throw off the yokes and shackles, and speak up, speak out.

The Message:

Well yes good evening everyone.  This is I, Hadrian, returning once again.  I promised you last time that I would return … and here I am.  Today’s message very much carries on from the last time that I was here, with additional information and guidance, which I hope you will note and take action.  We previously spoke of many things; mainly the way that you, as an individual, conducts yourself, on this planet, at this time.  What I am here today to advise you of is that in coming days you will not only have to have personal inner courage, that you will benefit from, and I encourage you to maintain your integrity.  Now, at this time of change on your planet, at this time of massive change, ongoing change, people are going to be in harm’s way unless, unless they maintain their honesty and their integrity.  Under no circumstances allow your integrity or your honesty to be maligned or compromised.

Now, you will see big changes which are ongoing; they have been ongoing for some time now.  These changes are taking place all across the planet.  Not just in those places you deem hot spots or places of war and aggression.  But there are big changes taking place sometimes unnoticed in other areas which you would deem to have a level of stability.  Stability does not exist anymore: it will return; but real stability will not exist on this planet for some time to come simply because the planet and the people on it must accommodate the changes.  You do not have any option.  The changes will continue to happen.  If you wish to negotiate the changes you will need to maintain your honesty and your integrity.

You will be required to stand up for your own principles.  Principles are being compromised by world leaders all over at present; principles will be traded like horses or cattle.  Do not depend upon any of your so-called leaders whether they be social, religious, or political: do not accept what the leaders are offering you, telling you, giving you, because they will compromise themselves at the drop of a button.  Simply because they do not have any integrity worth keeping.  It will be up to the population.  It will be up to you souls incarnate to steady the ship.  If will be up to you souls incarnate to steady the ship that you call planet earth simply because your so-called world leaders from diverse fields will not show leadership.  They will not show courage.  They will not show integrity.  They are not worth following.  They will lead you up the garden path so to speak.  They have already lead your planet into difficulty, great difficulty. There are the haves, and have nots: there are the fat, and there are the starving; there are the wealthy, and there are the poor.  Nothing is evened out.  The leaders have no plans whatsoever to share the abundance of this planet.  Greed and power is their by-word.  However, they all have a “use by” date, so watch into the future and see the leaders across the world reach that “use-by” date and then be cast aside.  They will be cast aside by the good, honest, loving, citizens of this planet.

Now, you people that I am talking to: it is all of you souls incarnate that I am talking to.  From the realms, we watch in consternation at what is happening all across this planet, and you may excuse us for thinking “are they all mad”, “are they all bad”.  What is happening? What is the matter with the people of earth?  It’s simply that the people on the earth are not standing up.  They are not taking ownership.  They are not putting their point across. They are not telling the leaders “you don’t lead us, we tell you what we want and you deliver”.  That’s the way it has to be.  Everything on this planet needs to be shared by one and all.  There are qualifications to that: and the qualifications you will understand, is that it is the pathway, the written, locked-in-concrete pathway for some of your nations and countries to go through a series of happenings and events whether they be natural disasters, man made disasters, fires, floods, pestilence etc; all is to be worked through by the population of that particular state or nation, ably aided and assisted by the wealthier nations. Some of your nations and states have extreme wealth which they refuse to share because the leaders are in the grip of a god they call greed; and greed is a god to them.  That’s what it appears to be to many of your leaders whether they be political, military or religious, they all pay homage to the god they call Great God of Greed and Power.

But all is not lost.  All will never be lost here on earth.  We, in the realms, are reluctant to intervene; we are not allowed to intervene or interfere.   Our charter is to guide you, to assist you, to give you information and knowledge.  We’ll give you encouragement when you are feeling down and depressed, disorientated, dispossessed.  We come to you and we bring you energy to lift you up, to raise you up, but you must do your bit.  We raise you up, we can lift you up, we can guide you, we can help you, but don’t sit down on the job and leave it to us because there is a limit to what we can provide you with.  Do not forget every breath you take, every singular breath you take, is part of your learning experience: it is part of your overall experience on this planet; it is part of your pathway.  With every single breath you take, something changes.  With every single breath you take you have opportunity to change yourself.  You can change your mind, you can change your perception, you can change your attitude, you can change so many things.

I have been here before and told you about the power your heart and thought combined.  I have told you to use your heart.  What does your heart desire?  Use the power of your mind to accelerate that power to create and manifest a better life, a better world.  But it starts with you.  It starts with one, and then ten, and then one hundred, one thousand, one million.  Then change arrives like a huge wave.  Change arrives, and when it does, like a Tsunami wave, it overwhelms; and it changes everything.  It overwhelms and changes the entire planet!  But like the tsunami wave it has to start somewhere.  It has to have a birth point; and the birth point for every soul incarnate is their thoughts, their attitudes, and their actions.  Are they based on truth? Are they based on love? Are they based on compassion, tolerance, and understanding?  Have a look around, check it out; values like truth, love, light, compassion, tolerance, understanding, are like dinosaur teeth; you don’t see much of them any more.

It is time for the population to not only be part of the change, but to drive it.  Drive it!  Consider, as an individual, and you are all sovereign individuals: consider as a sovereign individual; what do you want in this earth walk, this incarnation?  What is best for you?  Let your family and friends consider what is best for them.  Let your nation consider what is best for it.  You have a voting system: why do you vote for those who do you a disservice. Stand up, vote for, and support the ones who will give you service.  Don’t wait for, or stand up for, those who are there paying homage to the great god of greed and power.  They are not there for you or the planet: they are there for whatever they can get for themselves. That’s their journey.  We will not judge or criticize but what we do is point out where your planet can be so much better.  Your life can be so much better.  Everything you require was placed on your planet to be shared by one and all; not to be snookered off to one corner by greedy controllers, manipulators, and so-called leaders for their own benefit.  So one way you can start is displaying your honesty, your courage, your integrity.

Now here is something that I have never imparted before, but I feel that this evening, here now, is an appropriate time to reveal it.  The personal soul integrity that you are demonstrating now is that very same integrity that has to carry you into the future; what you call the future.  Now let me remind you: the universe; the multi-verses without border, without boundary, without parameter; the entire universe and multi-verses are ever expanding, every growing.  Your nation, state, planet is also ever growing, ever expanding.  If you want to set the tone and maintain your personal integrity, not only in this incarnation, but in the incarnation into what you call your future, your parallel incarnations, your parallel life times, your parallel earth walks:  your integrity will go with you!  Is it not valuable?  It is it not valuable?  Do you want to take something that is shonky into the future?  Do you want a future full of shoddiness, lacking in courage and honesty, full of fear and greed? No! That’s not the way to paint the picture.

This planet is going forward.  The universe is going forward and expanding all the time.  You are required to grow and expand with it.  If you don’t, you are going to be left behind.  Left back there.  When this tidal wave of change finally gets up enough impetus to break and roll over, you will want to be riding on the crest of it.  You don’t want to be the jetsam, the flotsam, the wreckage, in the back water; because there are many, many, souls that will become that.  They are going to be in the back water, and they will be consigned to live in that back water area of stagnation, non-movement, non-growth, for considerable time … because that is what they chose.  I have said to you before that this is a world of free-will choice.  You have free-will to choose whatever you wish; and we encourage you to use your free-will choice wisely every time that we come.  We encourage you to choose wisely!  Choose your thoughts, choose your words, choose your actions, choose your feelings.  Free-will choice!  Make it a good choice; make it the best choice.

It is more than imperative: it is more than imperative for nations and populations all across the world to come together in oneness for the common good of all.  We in the realms radiate love, light, energy to All That Is …  All That Is!  The entirety of the Allness, of the Oneness.  Every soul incarnate, and souls who are potentially about to incarnate, wish to have a place of joy, of love, of happiness, of abundance; but you are not doing much about it.  You are not doing much about it.  We are not encouraging or countenancing a revolution.  However, it is revolution of sorts.  But the revolution is one based upon love, light, fairness, sharing, caring, equality; that’s the result that needs to be brought about. That’s the result that needs to be manifested and installed on this planet.

Please do not buy into these fairy stories of galactic beings arriving in advanced space crafts to suck you up and take you off to some distant Utopia.  It’s a dream! That’s what it is.  It has no substance whatsoever.  It’s a nonsense!  You see this planet here; planet earth; you were put here originally – original man was put here – to maintain the status quo.  Everything that man desired or required was placed here for your benefit before you came: before “original man” put foot on this planet everything was provided in advance.  It didn’t go to plan did it?  However, that is not your fault: it is no fault of yours.  We do not apportion blame or fault.  What we do is to encourage you to take a good, long, honest, look at what you, as  individuals,are doing to make your world a far better place.  I would suggest that you spend quite a bit of time: allocate quite a bit of time; to deep personal introspection; inner personal contemplation. Meditation.

What is it that you, as a sovereign individual, what is it that you wish for this planet?  What is it that you wish for yourself, for your loved ones, for your friends, your community, for your nation?  Think about it! What is it that you wish for life on earth?  Make that wish come true … and you can do it through the process of creation and manifestation.  There are many people who live here on earth at present that say “I know nothing of this”.  Well I would like to correct them and tell them that you do know something of this because the whole process of creation and manifestation starts in the soul being-ness: your soul being-ness; the being-ness within your heart.  What is it that you really desire?  Is it pure? Is it clean?  What is it that you really desire?  Well you can express that desire by speaking to others about what you feel would be wonderful for your life and all of life on this planet.  You can action it by doing something to improve your little corner of your own little world.

But the real power lies in using the soul being-ness within the heart, this heart’s desire, by putting a rocket booster on it, which is the using the creative mind: and you can take this intense deep desire and accelerate it by using creativity; the creative power of the mind.  Now you cannot successfully use the mind on its own: or the heart on its own;  you cannot have them out of balance, out of synchronisation, out of harmony if you wish to create and manifest something.  Every individual “being .. ness” needs to look into their own heart.  Into their own original soul being-ness blueprint.  Hahahaa! Oh, I am going to have to delve into that for you aren’t I?

Are you aware that within your heart you have a “soul being-ness”?  Are you aware that within that soul being-ness is in microscopic, in micro-cosmic form, the entirety of every incarnation that you have ever had, or ever will have?  It’s like a chip; it’s like a micro-chip in there.  It tells the story of “you”: of your soul being-ness, as part of the entirety of this grand plan.  You are not insignificant!  You are not unknown or unnoticed.  You have within your soul being-ness this micro-chip: it’s the original. I would like to say this again.  It is the original soul being-ness blueprint that is you, and is unique to you.  You all have it, but it is all slightly different.  It’s all there because it is a sovereign individual being-ness.

So before you start to generate this tsunami of change to make this world a better place, start by going into your soul being-ness.  Ask your self “have you ever thought of this”?  Have you ever thought of asking your soul being-ness if you could look into the blueprint and see what part of the Grand Plan that you play?  Go into your soul being-ness.  This isn’t rocket science.  Sit quiet:  Contemplate:  Reflect: Mediate: then ask your soul being-ness “what is your unique and sovereign plan”?  Then ask your soul being-ness how: how do I implement this? How do I create it, manifest it and implement it?  Ask your soul being-ness in all honesty.  “What is it that I desire for my highest good”? Listen to your soul being-ness in all honesty.  Don’t play games with yourself!  Don’t hide from yourself.  Do not dodge any sensitive issue.  Look deeply into your soul being-ness.  If there is something there you don’t like, well, you were the one that included it in your life plan.  If there is something there you do not like? … well change it!

So, contemplation, inward reflection, meditation, is the answer; go into your soul beingness; it’s a precious jewel, its the jewel in your crown.  Go into that.  Ask your soul being-ness “what is it that is lovely, bright, and beautiful”?  “What is it that I so intensely desire”?  Once you have identified that desire, then we have to plant that seed outside so that it will grow and become manifest.  So we let that soul being-ness desire bubble up from the heart to the crown, and we ask our creative mind to create and manifest it. And believe me, you have absolutely no, no idea at all, of the enormity of the creative power of your mind coupled with your hearts desire.  You would be totally blown away if someone confronted you with the power of what you can actually do. So now you have identified the desire:  use the creative mind to bring it in; make it manifest.  Use the creative mind to write the story of deep love, understanding, tolerance, compassion, abundance: use the creative mind to write the story around that heart desire.  Know absolutely that you are doing the job; you are doing your bit; you are not falling down; you are doing your creative bit.

Now if we can get enough souls to follow that process you are going to see change happening.  Big change! Unfortunately it is not a process that could actually be shared with a group, because a group is a number of individuals, and each individual will have their own story: their own fine energy; their own soul being-ness; their own desires.  So if each individual creates that and follows that process through individually, focusing on creating and manifesting the beautiful and bountiful;  if every soul does that, you will then see that aggregation of the power of desire coupled with the creative power of the mind, starting to build up like a gigantic wave.  Gradually building; building, until it becomes a tsunami wave, and those that pay homage to the great god of greed and power; well, for them it will be get out of the way or you will be taken at the flood.  That is precisely what needs to be done.

We need those people who are controlling your mind-set, your beliefs, your money, your food, every aspect of your very life – they are almost controlling every breath you take. They have to be swept aside in the tidal wave, the flood, because they are not of the light and detrimental to the evolution of all mankind.  They are not of the love.  You do not have to show them mercy: all you have to do is “leave them be”.  They created their own pathway, their own experiences, their own lessons, and their own consequences.  So do not focus on them; tell them how you will use the creative power within you to change everything in your life: to change the entirety of life on this planet. Re-install all of the values, the love, the compassion, the understanding, the tolerance.  Be one powerful individual in a powerful team.  Be one soldier in a battalion that is responsible for bringing about this change.

Before I depart I would like to suggest that you listen to, or read, my previous messages.  If you were to read my previous messages, and follow it up with this message – which will be publicised in coming days – you put them together and you will see the story line that we are bringing to you in serial form.  Bit by bit.  Section by section. Simply because you could not take in the whole story in one sitting.  So I would encourage you to peruse the words of my last messages and then read the words of this message: and I would be honoured; I would be honoured to find you, at that point, going within the blueprint, the jewel of the original being-ness, that you are expressing through your desire and creating with the power of your mind.  Nothing would please me greater. Nothing would honour me greater than to see many souls incarnate following that plan … and I would like to inform you that that plan is an integral part of the Creators Grand Plan.

Thank you for hosting me; entertaining me; this evening.  I wish you well.  I wish you all the very best.  We in the realms continually, continually, direct and radiate to you the highest quality love and light that comes from the Source itself.  Thank you dear ones and enjoy your evening.  I am Hadrian – the educator – and I will return.  Thank you.

Rainbows and Roses; Peace and Happiness,

I am honoured to be the chosen channel to bring this information through for you.


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