Aranuth Speaks Atherton November 2016

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Chaotic! That’s about the best way to describe, not only the personal changes happening in people’s lives, but also the events unfolding nationally and internationally. Everywhere I look, all around the world, I see a heaving, writhing, squirming, mass of humanity struggling to evolve: having an effect positive or negative, that by any measure of rational reasoning, would also be affecting the cosmos, the universe, and the multi-verses that we are an intrinsic part of.

The heightened energy of the full moon of late October was a lulu by any and all standards with a considerable number of people questioning their sanity, and whether the energy of this planet was actually a loose cannon in the universal grand scheme of things. You could be forgiven for thinking that the whole world has gone mad with the pursuit of greed, power, deception, and control, and is on the brink of either exploding or imploding. (check out the recent earthquakes in Chile, New Zealand, and Japan) We as a race, a race of humans supposedly evolving, advancing, and becoming more understanding, compassionate, and acquiring wisdom along the way, have become cross-tracked; or is that side-tracked? Our original and intended state of being-ness was to be peaceful, compassionate, caring and sharing, and co-existing in a state of harmonious co-operation, and unconditional love while we walked our individual pathway, replete with experiences and lessons, to becoming fully realised conscious beings.

Somewhere along our evolutionary way we, in a zombie-like manner, or in a daze of lethargy, handed over our free-will and independence to the manipulators and controllers in a meek and catatonic manner. Thankfully, the masters, the higher-evolved beings of love and light, advanced beings from other realities cosmic and galactic, ably assisted by the Angelic realm and our individual guides, have carefully maintained a close watch on us, and seeing the cataclysmic events unfolding and in the pipeline, have taken positive action to shake us out of our tree of torpidity and into effective personal responsibility for our evolution.

The result of the recent elections in the US is another example of “expect the unexpected”, and is evidence of an awakening humanity: an awesome illustration of the effectiveness of people power – and it is not over yet, not by a long shot! – the mass of souls, the sleeping giant awakens. Here in Australia, as with the rest of the world, there will now be a realignment of where we fit into the global structure of this ever-changing world. This presents Australia, and many others nations, with many wonderful opportunities to express their individuality and heartfelt desire to advance and grow in peace, truth, and light. Nations, both major and minor, will now find themselves having to push the “reset” button to realign themselves with an increasingly honest, sensitive, peaceful, and aware world.

My guides have previously, accurately, fore-warned of the events now happening – in a non-fearful way – and the follow-on disruptions and disorder occurring early next year for a period of some three months which will keep regurgitating the old, archaic, dishonest, and deceitful patterns and control systems which need to be exposed and dealt with. It may appear to many enlightened souls as two opposing forces, the light and the dark, fighting for supremacy … and what a battle! All is in Divine Order.

The message below was very well received with several people commenting afterwards that the impact of the content more than just “struck a chord”.

The message:

Well good evening everyone. It is I, Hadrian, who returns once more to address you as you gather in your beautiful circle of light.  It is more of a vortex of light rather than a circle of light: only because on this day, in these premises, which are vastly different in energy construction and blend from what we are normally used to, we have had to use the vortex to come through the matrix to get to you on this day to deliver our message.  However, that does not diminish the power and effectiveness of the message that I am about to bring to you. It is by way of explanation that I have mentioned the vortex which we have corkscrewed through the layers and layers of energy and in through the matrix to reach you.  That is our job.

Your planet faces great changes: great changes.  Your planet will never be the same again.  Never!  There is no going back: there is no reverse.  And the Creator wants it that way; because the world events that are shaping and reshaping your entire structure on this earth has forever been altered and changed – and will continue to do so for years to come.  Over a period of the next several months of your time, your planet will undergo many changes which, to put it mildly, can vary from somewhat frightening to horrifying.  There is much dross: much dross to be cleared and it is no easy task.  However, the group assembled in the realms – now I am referring to those beings in altered states, yes altered states, as well as spiritual realms, galactic realms, cosmic realms, and realms, higher vibrating realms, that you have actually never heard of.

We are not just discussing your planet and your universe.  We are discussing the multi-verses: not only the multi-verses, we are talking about realities, the vibratory spaces of an extremely high vibrating nature that no one, well practically no one, on your earth is even aware of their existence.  So, for you people on earth who feel that you are tiny and insignificant, know that you are known: your plight is known.  You are being watched over and very tightly protected and steered in a safe direction to what we could call the “safe harbour”.  In nautical terms we are ensuring that you have safe passage to a “safe harbour”.  There is no known way that you can prevent, stop, or diminish the changes: the dramatic, may I say dramatic changes; the awesome changes that are taking place, and will take place, on your planet.  There is an enormous amount of change written into your future; big changes are in the pipeline.  Now before you can consolidate change into your reality, we, from other realms, have a great, a gigantic, task ahead of us because you see there are numerous numbers of energy layers wrapped around your planet.  It is an accumulation of layer upon layer of energies around your planet that have held you captive; have held you captive for eons of time.

Now you are aware that what you have here in this reality is, simply put, a grand experiment; a very grand and most daring experiment.  You are unique.  Your planet, your reality is unique.  What you, as a race, as a conglomeration of souls, that has specifically and specially incarnated into this experimental reality are doing a wonderful job of advancing yourself, growing, acquiring wisdom, and knowledge and experience – which is precisely what you were placed here to do: it is what you volunteered, agreed to do here. So far this experiment has been a qualified success: a qualified success.  Nothing particularly outstanding.

Great advancement has been made in the understanding of how souls from multiples of other realities can assume a physical embodiment – become embodied, become incarnate – and with the handicap of physicality you are here to overcome your physical and express who and what you are.  I have just advised you that you are not simply from a so-called spiritual realm: to use the term “spiritual realm” is like a house painter saying one coat covers all; it doesn’t; it doesn’t.  Each and every one of you souls are unique.  Some of you, many of you, come from the same realm, the same vibratory level, one which is totally different from where many others come from; other realities, other spaces, other vibratory realms.

Now we desire for you to understand this.  You are all unique.  You are all individual.  You are all sovereign: and you all come from a myriad, an absolute myriad of other levels, vibratory levels, spaces, places, realities, it goes on ad infinitum; to infinity. Even from where I am I cannot put a total of the number of sources, shall I say, places, spaces, realities, sources.  The word “sources”, your source, adequately covers that.  So whilst you are here in physical clothed embodiment, you can and do co-habit, cooperate; you work together to advance peacefully.  This is what you are meant to do.  To live peacefully in perfect harmony!  Now when I say perfect harmony I am not referring to the harmony of the physical body.  I am talking about the harmony and the absolute ecstasy of the harmony that can exist between souls from the multiplicity of sources, multiplicity of vibratory levels.  So, even though you appear to be all cut from the same or similar cloth, that is only outward appearances.  Simply put, it is only outward appearances.

Dear ones you really are daring; absolutely daring.  Great numbers of beings from great numbers of realities.  They watch, look, observe, and see what you are attempting to achieve …  and they cry, “how absolutely daring”!  While they are saying that, they are cheering you on, cheering you on.  Why are they cheering you on? Because you are the way-showers.  You are the ones that they have been waiting for!  You are the ones that multiples of energy beings from multiples of other realities are watching.  You are showing the way for them.  So they are cheering you on and want you to succeed magnificently because the “way-showers” are setting a blueprint.  You are leaving a very clear, well defined, and intricately woven blueprint for every other entity who wishes to experience life on earth can adopt; can follow.  Now it is a colossal and daring experiment, and overall, when we from the realms that I inhabit observe this planet, we see great achievement: we also see various areas of focus that have not succeeded however, this doesn’t happen lickety-split.  It is an evolution you understand.  It’s evolution.

There is no one entity or source, excepting the Supreme Creator, who has the magic wand of the absolute and total magic of creation.  It’s learning, walking, falling down, getting up again, trying again: you are doing all of these things and laying a pathway for others to follow.  Now, having said that; you have done an absolutely remarkable job thus far. There are many eons of time, eons of time, that you are not even aware that exist: and I use the word exist because in your terminology that word mainly refers to past leading into present tense.  However, there is in all honesty, there is no past, no future, there is only now!  Well we don’t expect you to totally accept and understand what the now and everything in the now, actually means, but that is nothing for you to concern yourself about.

In this now, on this planet – that is this point of your time – the development of souls incarnate on this planet – well you now face a somewhat daunting task.  There are many clashes of souls, entities who are sourced, have their source on other levels, other realities, whether they be cosmic, galactic, spiritual, or whatever; there are entities from other levels who are not here with the best interests of souls incarnate or this planet in mind.  Whilst I am not about to become judgemental, I would like to tell you, some of you, remind you, that there are entities from other spaces, places, levels, realities, many of them of a cosmic or galactic nature, who are not of the light.  They will do harm; sometimes great harm, however, the forces of the Ultimate Source of the Ultimate Light of the Ultimate Love which is  … shall we whisper, “the Creator”, the Creator source, the Creator force is watching, observing.  So beyond your range of vision, quite a battle rages.  From where we are the light will always overcome the dark but the light must be reinforced with extra troops, extra armaments, and those extra troops and armaments are you dear souls who are of the light, who are the way-showers, and have a very, very potent weapon at your disposal and that is absolute love, ably assisted and aided by non judgement.

We are all aware that the ego within us that assists us to live this life, to navigate the lessons and experiences in this life, that ego also tends to be judgemental for the simple reason that it is the balance of your consciousness that is telling you of the light as opposed to the dark, to correct what is incorrect.  What is love, what is hate. So there is judgment within each and every one of you so do not, please do not, look down upon yourself or denigrate yourself for being judgemental.  However, like every other thing, judgement should be used in moderation, and of course as I just explained  there are many instances when judgement is required.  You can substitute judgment for preferment.  Which do you prefer, light or dark.  Hard or soft. That is judgment, that is a controlled judgement.  And as a controlled judgement, it has an intent, and the intent is not to hurt or harm, and so why I am here today is to encourage you to use minimum judgement, never to use negative judgement, use judgement very sparingly, and to send unconditional love and light to every situation.

Now going back to judgement consider this.  We judge many things, many, many things.  There is great judgement in the world.  Great judgment in every aspect of the world, and it can be used for positivity however we must ensure that the judgement does not turn into the dark negativity and cause harm.  When you look at the happenings across your planet, try not to use judgement because it is difficult, we understand, try not to use judgement.  Simply look at a situation and know, know absolutely, that everything really is in Divine Order.  And if you can see that or feel that the Divine Order is not doing a very good job, remember that Divine Order alters and changes, nips and tucks, when necessary and where need be. So our message to you on this day is simply this, you are armed with a very potent weapon, the ability to be non judgemental and radiate love and light.  And while you have those incredible armaments of powerful, powerful weapons, also remember that you are also shielded; you are shielded; your suit of armor is the light. So you wear this suit of armor of the light, you walk in the light with a loving non judgemental intention, and you can greatly assist this planet and everything upon it to move closer and closer to the light; closer and closer to peaceful cooperation.

That will give you plenty to ponder and consider and we in the realms would encourage you to let that soak into your being-ness very deeply.  We would encourage you to absorb our message today and see how you can accommodate it on your pathway.  So thank you dear souls: we come to you bringing great love.  Great love.  If you have the eyes to see you would see yourself surrounded by layers and layers of beautiful flowers representing layers of love. Great depth of flowers of love that encircle you within this vortex that we have created to come to you this day.

Thank you and enjoy your pathway.

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