Aranuth Speaks: Life Guidelines; August 2015

In Latest Posts by Malcolm Bell1 Comment

It has been a “funny” month with all sorts of undreamed of and unheard of happenings to individuals (in their waking and altered states), nations, and the planet in general. Much of the planetary happenings such as natural/unnatural and national disasters, stock market values, financial and trade crashes have all been predicted by Aranuth, however the most stressful is undoubtedly the refugee problem.
My personal take is that the refugee situation is not an individual or national one, but is now a world humanity disaster of horrifying proportions and should be treated as such by every nation, affected or not! One would expect that the, apparently lethargic old toothless tiger, the U.N. to show leadership and be pro-active in treating this horrifying humanitarian disaster with utmost urgency and compassion.
Is it possible that we, the light workers and light holders of the world, in concert with all compassionate souls, create an outcry that reverberates all around the planet and shames the wealthy governments, super-profitable enterprises, and those religions that have untold billions locked away in vaults to save our most precious commodity … out world population.
If the world as a whole does not respond with compassion and urgency then it has forfeited the right to call themselves “human” beings … they are simply beings.
Peace & Happiness


Ha, Ha, Ha. Good evening all. Good evening once again. It is Aranuth who returns to harangue you. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha. Today we are going to slaughter a few sacred cows. Ha, Ha, Ha, Oh dear! Many of you souls, through many of your life times, your pathways, your earth walks, have been so steeped in what you call religion. Religious practices. Religious laws. Religious Rules. Religious nonsense! Religion really does not come into it at all. Religion does not equate with what you are trying to achieve in this or any other life time. Religion is based on a set of stories, told and retold, retold again, and many times retold. Some stories true, some false, some of no account what so ever; more of a fanciful dream. And yet you souls incarnate have allowed religion to play such a large and influential part in your lives. In your pathway. Well I am here today to tell you that religion is just something else on your pathway. It is not of any real account.
What you are here incarnate for is to experience: experience a whole plethora of issues, lessons; you will learn, hopefully you will learn lessons from these experiences. Now what you gain from completing an experience, learning that lesson, is knowledge, information, wisdom, but above all soul growth. Soul enrichment. There is very little use of you being here incarnate if you are not going to learn. If you are not going to learn you are wasting your time. Why did you come? You come for the experience and the learning. You come to accumulate knowledge and wisdom, information. That is your individual pathway and the reason that you are walking this pathway.
Now you will understand that you have walked many, many pathways. Not just the number you can count on one hand but the number that you will sometimes need a calculator to calculate the number. That does not have much relevance and does not serve you all that well except where you have had multiple incarnations which equate to multiple experiences, lessons, providing you learned from that, providing you gained something from that. Now there are many souls who have come to this realm, this earth, for specific purpose; to learn; and yet when they arrive here they didn’t really learn anything at all. They just didn’t take it in. They just walked the pathway, step after step, without the realising the importance of the lessons that they were learning. And that’s all okay because they can come back, and come back again, and come back again, and they can keep repeating it over and over like many of you here today have already done.
Now its all well and good to have this multiplicity of lives on this planet but you must, must, learn from it. You must gather knowledge, information. You must gather soul enrichment. You must gather all of this to you if you are going to advance .. and that is the whole point of it. It’s advancement. It’s like you have been put here and been told to find your way home and the only way home is Knowing-ness. Knowing-ness.

Now I am going to touch upon a couple of concepts which you may take some time to ponder, to work out, but you will. Return to religion. Religion plays a far too important part in your life. It should not be allowed to take over your life. Religion; the basis of it was a record of knowledge gained, information, stories of the pathway of ascended masters who came here to show you the way, to demonstrate to you how you may progress and learn quickly. In a nutshell many of these masters willingly came to this dimension as an example, to exemplify, to model to you, a pathway that will bring you rewards. Bring you the rewards of knowledge, advanced knowledge. Information which brings you knowledge. So what we have here is, you are seekers.
You have heard the expression “the seekers of the light” well you are seeking information. You are seeking knowledge. You want to know what’s it all about. Why you are here. Where is this leading us? What is the goal? What will we eventually achieve? That’s what the masters have come to show you. They did not come so that certain bodies might create a religion, complete with all of their rules and regulations, so that they may control you. No, the masters came and modelled the perfect way for you to advance, to grow, and to return to the realms as a fully realised being. Now I didn’t say ascended master I said a fully realised being. Because you have to come to the full realisation of your birth, your pathway, where you are, where you are headed for. So as of now let us just dismiss religion and let’s get back on to the true path; the true path. It is all well and good for you to read the stories of those great masters as I have previously noted, they modeled, they exemplified, the way to conduct yourself to live your life in a physical incarnation so that you may expand yourself, grow yourself, become much more soul enriched, much more filled with love and light and color and sound, everything. They were here to show you the way home. And it is still there for you to find the way home.
Now let me further explain in this manner. You have physical life. You have a life physical third dimension or fifth dimension whatever, but you are here in a solid matter dimension. It is from here where you can call in various experiences, work your way through them, learn from them, and go ahead. So at the end of this pathway, you will leave this physical reality and you will go into another reality which is often called the spiritual reality simply because it is the spiritual expansion, spiritual enhancement, method of progressing. So now we have this physical / solid matter realm, then we go into the spiritual advancement, enhancement stream. So you will re-incarnate, learn some more, pass over, re-incarnate.
So you will have this birth, life, death, birth life, death and so on. Now that is the spiritual stream; what you call the pathway through the spiritual realms, and you have chosen the pathway through the spiritual realms to take you from point A to Nirvana. Full expression to become a fully realised being. That is where you are all at now.
I would like you also to be aware that this physical realm and the spiritual realm are only a few of the multiplicity of other realms. Other pathways of expressions, of learning, that you are not fully aware of. Now you are also aware that what you term the galactic, the galactic stream, as opposed to the spiritual and physical stream. In the galactic realm, the steps, the stream that you call galactic, it is almost a mirror of the physical stream. So you can be in the galactic stream and have no knowledge of the spiritual or physical and vice-versa. Well you can be in the spiritual and have no knowledge of the galactic. All streams are valid. They are all valid. Each stream be it physical, spiritual, or galactic is an opportunity for souls – now I am going to use the word “essence” here – souls essence, to experience, to learn, to grow, to become. You can do that, and they can also do do that in what you call the galactic stream. You do it in what you call the spiritual stream. You do it in what you call the physical stream.

Here is something else I would like you to think about. There are other streams. Other streams that are far, far, removed from your physical, spiritual, or your galactic development. They are far, far, removed from that. So far, that most of you have not any idea that they actually exist. But let me tell you that those other streams exist all right, and they are much more powerful than the stream that you are currently traversing; much more powerful. If I could take all of you with me as a group and show you, give you a tour of one of these other streams, one of these other realms, you would be overawed. Totally overawed. So much so that you wouldn’t want to come back here. Ever! You would not want to come back here, I would guarantee that. However, let’s go back to free-will choice. You have free-will choice as an “essence”. As an essence; a soul energy essence. There is a space, a realm, where you can talk to creation and decide what it is that you want to experience, and to learn, and how to expand; you choose.

At present you souls here have chosen the birth, life, death, spiritual, back to birth, life, death, spiritual, and back again stream. You have chosen that stream to grow. To grow. To advance. To expand. To become. What are you becoming? Love and Light! Pure, pure, Love, energy, pure light energy, light essence. Because in all truth, in your true form, that is what you are! You are essence of the creation energy. It is you, it is you who is the creator. Of course there is a creativity, a power, that is much more powerful than you. But you are your own creator. You create everything. You chose for yourself what you are here to create. You chose what you want to experience. What you want to learn; and the pathway that you will follow. Let me say this, there are some of you here right now who, similar to this being, (points to myself) has traversed what you call the galactic stream and you may learn on this physical and spiritual stream as well. You may cross-track when you return to the realms: you may choose to cross-track, to shift across to what you consider to be a galactic realm and experience progression through the galactic stream. You experience what it is like to be that being: and if you had enough of that being, a galactic, you can switch back, cross-track and come back to a physical being.

All pathways lead to the one goal. It leads to the light. The totality of Love and Light; they all lead to that. Now, again, the opportunity exists for you to do another cross-track to move into a much more powerful, greater expanded, stream which is only available to souls such as yourselves once you have satisfactorily completed your physical, spiritual, galactic pathway lessons. Once you have gained a specific amount of knowledge and information, soul enrichment, then you may ask the supreme creator for permission to cross-track to these much, much higher and finer realms where you can learn to create and manifest things that you cannot at present even comprehend. First you do the ground work. You come here as a soul. You learn, and you learn from the masters who have trod this path before you. All the great masters who have left you with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, presently controlled by the religions who want to control you. That’s what you are about.
Sort the wheat from the chaff! Reject the chaff: take the grain. So you take the best of the best. Which is the knowledge and information that was bequeathed to you by the great masters. You do not have to walk in their foot steps as when they were physically embodied, you simply have to follow their guidance. Their knowledge. Their information. They laid it all out for you and told you how to live in this physical life so that you could progress very quickly; and when you go back into the realms, what you call the spiritual realms, there is lots more learning available for you because the great masters did not just leave information and knowledge here on this realm, they left abundance, abundance of knowledge and information in what you call the spiritual realms. Abundance of it! So when you finish your physical life and you make the transition into another realm which you call the spiritual realm everything is open to you. All the doors are open to you. All that knowledge, information, guidance, it’s all there. It’s like a gigantic university. Everything is there for you to access. So you may study, study, this burst of desire to learn, to gain knowledge so that your next incarnation – when you come back here – you put it all into practice. And the way you put it into practice is you have written a pathway that includes all of these experiences and challenges, and you use the previously learned knowledge and information to glide you through this pathway; and then when you transition back into the realms there is more learning, more learning until you reach a certain point of development where you become a fully realised being – where you are approaching the plateau of ascended master-ship. Then you may ask to move into the higher stream which is so powerful and so beautiful you could not begin to describe and comprehend and understand. That is what you are going for. That is your target. That is your goal.

However as I have said, if you wish to do a little excursion and cross-track into what you call a galactic realm, you may progress through all of those realms and learn in the manner, the same manner, as those souls, those beings, and you can still cross-track back to physical life, spiritual life. Now when you think that you have hit the apex where you are now a fully realised being, you haven’t made it. You only made the next step into much, much higher realms.
And so what I would like to ask to understand is: do not look at anything where you feel there is an end; an end in sight. A finish. There are multiple, multiple realms. Multiple chances to learn; and you will just keep going on, and on, and on. You will never stop expanding and growing because you are the Love, you are the Light, you are Creation. You are a creator, you are creation.
Now let’s come back down to this level here again, and may I ask you to look carefully, look very carefully at your surroundings, your life, everything that you have in this physical expression; sort the wheat from the chaff! Throw out the rubbish. Throw out the controllers. Throw off all of that. Get rid of the hooks and chains. You are a spiritual being. You are not here to be controlled and manipulated. You are here to express and grow. So all of your institutions, all of your different ways of life, everything that you see, meet, or even sense on your pathway; ask yourself is this true. Is this absolute truth. Is this promoting absolute Truth, Love, and Light. No! Get rid of it! Get rid of it if it holds you back; If it’s a hindrance on your pathway. But being a free will form of expression here you and only you can choose what you will believe, what you will accept, what you will reject, the way you want to live, and what you want to create. You can do it! No one else can do it for you, and no one can influence you. It is your choice.
I would encourage you from this point on to examine very closely, examine very carefully, every aspect of your life; what affects your life; and the life that surrounds you. Carefully examine everything and ask yourself “does this serve me”?. Is this true? Is this based in truth, Love, and Light? Then make your decision accordingly.
I feel I have harangued you enough for one evening. Ha, ha. I have presented you with many concepts. Some which you can understand, some which confuse you. You will learn, you will grow. No soul will be left behind. I thank you for coming this evening. I shall now take my leave. God Bless you on your pathway. Not to be forgetting you are God. You are creation. You are the creator. You are God. Blessing, blessings dear souls. Thank you.


  1. Interesting that I’ve started seeing Auras very strongly (compared to usual). The whole world is abuzz with movement of energy now and I’ve been having rather odd flashes of memories I haven’t had, plus I casually remarked how I remembered everyone being poor during the 1920s.

    So I wasn’t sure if I was going crazy, so this post is a bit of an assurance that I’m not the only one.

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