Portals Realities and Other Universes

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Portals Realities and Other Universes – Ravenshoe September 2015.


G’day everyone.

Another month gone by and so much has happened all over the world; especially here in Australia alone where we have had a Prime Minister replaced and a change in political direction and some policies. We have now had five Prime Ministers in five years: a revolving door so it seems.

Apologies if you had any difficulties with my website aranuth.com of late. Someone attempted to hack into it and place unwanted and unauthorised content on it. My friend and website builder Jes (admin@selaneproductions.com) was alert to the hack attempts and soon rectified the situation.

If you have had ongoing feelings of mental confusion, disorientation, solid matter dimension / reality apparently warping, then join the club! It is not only the average person in the street experiencing these things, but the spiritually awake, aware, and advanced are experiencing the exact same thing on a personalized basis. For myself, I have had about three weeks of consternation, realities intersecting (and sometimes crashing into one another) along with the manifestation of totally unexpected events and happenings.

One such happening had a silver lining: returning home to Atherton from Cairns following a spiritual mentoring evening, a cow suddenly appeared in front of my Hyundai; both the Hyundai and the cow were a write-off. Within a couple of days following the event I had found a beaut replacement vehicle at a very reasonable price. Somebody up there likes me!


Ha Ha Ha… good evening everyone…It is wonderful to be here once more.

I thought I might start off from where I left off last time we came together. I believe, last time that I came to visit you, that I did discuss other realities, other vibratory levels, other spaces. Well there is a very good reason behind this.

I, and the brotherhood, wish for you to know and understand the various and numerous, the multiplicity of vibratory levels spaces, which goes on, and on, and on, to infinity. Now, I am aware, that you have been noticing and feeling like you are out of sorts, that you do not belong, do not belong here, there, or anywhere: you are feeling that you are the proverbial square peg hovering around a round hole. In truth, what is happening, is your own personal individual preparation for vibratory upliftment.

Now I shall say that again; what you are experiencing is discomfort; discomfort of being moved out of your comfort vibratory zone and being asked and encouraged to move. We are not talking about moving ahead as in advancement, or moving backwards, we are talking about moving sideways into a parallel, but yet uplifted, vibratory space. Now this may sound confusing but it is simp0licity in itself; if you focus your attention on what I am going to tell you.

We did speak about physical levels, spiritual levels, higher spiritual levels, in between levels, what you call galactic levels; we spoke about all those levels. Yes, they do exist, but within all of those levels, and more specifically within what you call your solid matter level, if you were to put the microscope over your solid matter level, what you would see is a level similar to a piece of Swiss cheese; it is filled with holes.

Holes is a word that is applicable but not entirely correct. What we are talking about is a level filled with portals. Portals! So you have this third dimension / fourth dimension solid matter level which unbeknownst to you, and not available to your seeing-ness, to your eyes, physical eyes, third eye, is that this dimension resembles a large sponge. It is full of portals, pathways, worm-holes you call them sometimes. Yes, they are gateways. Now they are gateways to another vibratory dimension which may be minimal, or it may be quite large depending upon your own sovereign individual self.

Now you all understand that all souls are not treading the same pathway: they are not heading in the same direction; and they are not going to achieve the same goal; with the exception of reaching the final goal, the final destination, which is of course, total, total enlightenment.

I would like you to imagine for a moment, if you closed your eyes and imagined all around you the space and energy was filled with holes, gateways, portals. Now from a human perspective when you see these portals, most times they resemble a pathway or opening in water because the energy around them is flexible, flowing; and the portal, the waters of the portal, flow open; so you have this vaguely circular swirling portal that the energy, and the swirling waters of this hole, will cause to open, close, and open, close and open rhythmically, and it is there for you if you wish to take the opportunity to step through it.

Right now you are being slowly but surely, moved sideways towards your portal, your individual portal, which gives entrance to what you call a worm hole which will take you to another dimension, another reality, another vibration, because you understand, that everything is love and light; and love and light together create vibration.

So now where you are at is probably a critical point in the evolution of all mankind. As far as I am aware, and I am aware of eons of time, the human, the humanoid population, has never been offered the opportunity enmasse or in large groups to move through that portal, down or up the worm hole, and into what could be perceived as a parallel reality. Not to confuse you, however, as each individual has their own perception, their own take on life, life’s lessons, life’s experiences, and so on, so too will you fit in with a specific energy in a parallel reality. So like glove on hand, glove on hand, there is a matching energy for you; and as individual hands, individual energies, you are now at a point where you can transit your pathway parallel to your portal, or you can choose to let go and allow yourself to be drawn ever so gently into the gateways, through that flowing portal, where you will move into the parallel reality.

There is no danger in going through the portal: none whatsoever. There is nothing negative or to be feared about that; and in actual fact it is a great opportunity for you, a great opportunity because once through the portal your energy will change. Even though you may look around and still visually see this world that surrounds you as the same, it will have a different feel, a different look, it will have different energy. It will be better for you because that energy, like glove on a hand, is tailor-made for you. Tailor made for you; so the fit, the fit is perfect.

However, as I said, once through that portal, you are not leaving this world entirely; you are taking this world with you in an altered form. Shall I say once through the portal, your life, your world, will be a hologram of this one only much, much better. You will have a better understanding; you will have changed perceptions, changed ideas; you will find change throughout your entire being-ness. Now even though you are going to do this while you are embodied, you will notice the change in every aspect of your being-ness even though your body appears to remain to be the same.

The physical there will reflect the physical you have now; other than that it will be an entirely different physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and – several other realms that I won’t go into right now – level. What the brotherhood would like for you is to carefully examine your feelings. What is it that feels different? What is it that feels like it is approaching? What is it that feels that its setting out on an opposite and different vibration.

You have all reached the point now where you should be able to recognize changes and alterations in the energies around you and within you. If you don’t … you are still back in the dark ages.

You all know that you sense things, you feel things, you know things. All that is waiting for you to do now is to acknowledge these things. Don’t just dismiss them as weird; go with them; investigate them. Ask yourself what is it? What is this change around and within me? What is this change in my thoughts in my emotions, in my senses? What is this?

The more time that you spend sensing these, feeling these, delving into them, the more you will be given your own guides who, whether you are aware of it or not, your own guides who can, and do, with permission of the Supreme Creator, can and do alter your vibration.

Now you alter your own vibrations many times through the day and night with your thoughts and feelings. Your individual guides, when they also sense that you need assistance, need a little bit of help to get through a certain issue a certain sensitivity, a certain feeling, they can, will, and do, alter the vibration slightly to allow you to think clearly.

Again, I use the analogy, glove on hand. You must fit. We cannot have something that is opposite to each other. So what we want to talk to you about today is for you to spend time, collectively if you wish, individually certainly, spend time monitoring, monitoring every thought, every word, every sense, every feeling, every emotion; monitor it. Don’t judge it! Monitor it.  Ask yourself “what is it that I am feeling”? “What is it that I am sensing”? “How will this assist me”? “How will this assist me to advance, to expand, to grow”?

While you are doing this you will become more and more aware of these fluid energy portals around you. There is a portal for you. There is a tailored made, custom made, portal for each and every soul incarnate at this time. But it is only your personal portal that you need to concern yourself about.

Let me tell you, there are many of you – and several of you here today – who are so close to that portal that at any given moment you may slip through. If you feel yourself slipping through that portal into a different reality, a different vibratory field, allow it. Allow it. You have all used that term. “Go with the flow”. The flow is drawing you, magnetically if you wish, drawing you closer, and closer, to your own personal portal. Drawing you closer so that it is a very simple sideways step for you to move through the portal.

Once you are through that portal you automatically change vibration; you are into another vibration. And even though you look at yourself and your physical embodiment and it looks the same, everything else has changed. Everything else is different. Some by a minor degree, some by a maximum degree, depending upon your own self. Depending upon your willingness to allow; and depending upon your desiring this.

Because you see, what you desire, what you desire deep within your heart, is what you are calling towards you. This is your desire; it is like magnet. You desire something, it will come to you. If you are desiring it and allowing it, it will come to you. So when you wish to allow yourself to become a complete energy being, a fully realised soul being, you can desire that, then allow it to happen; allow it to change you within this physicality. You are not going to change the physicality but you are going to change everything about yourself down to the quarks. Everything will change. You will be different. You will talk differently. You will feel different. Lots of things will be different. It will be better. It will better!

Now, the reason for this; the reason we are encouraging souls incarnate to move close to their portal and then step through it is because once you are through that portal you will leave behind a lot of the unsavory vibrations on this planet. You will go into a much, much, smoother, tranquil, or peaceful vibration which will allow you to advance much faster than you are at present.

So that is not the end of the story. Once you allow yourself to go through the portal, moving into that other vibration, and then once you have acclimatized, then you can start looking at more advancement which will mean, believe it or not, moving through another portal into another energy field, another energy level, another reality. And as I said, everyone, every soul incarnate, has a different, a very different reality that they are going to. Similar but different.

Now if you hark back to what I said earlier: if you look at the energy and the space around you, it resembles a sponge because there are so many portals, so many pathways, so many alleyways, so many worm holes, that you could move from this reality to the next portal, worm hole to another worm hole, and so on and so forth, and you can and will if you so desire, continue to grow, expand, and become without end, without end!

There are no parameters, no perimeters; there are no restrictions on the number of realities that you can move to and through. Whilst you are moving from portal to portal, reality to reality, you may choose to come back to reincarnate once more for specific reason, and then do the same thing all over again. Move through the portals, move through the worm holes, through the realities, progression, progression, progression. It’s continuous. It’s never ending. It’s never ending!

It would be erroneous to set a goal and say to yourself, “once I have obtained my goal I have made it”. Well, that is entirely erroneous. You will never reach the ultimate. There is no finality. There is only progress. Love, Light, Learning, progress. That is all there is. That is all there is: and all there is – is All There Is.

Ha Ha. So, I hope that I have educated you, and at the very least entertained you here today. But it is time for you to give serious, serious consideration, to allowing yourself to morph into a higher vibratory being. And the method I have just outlined to you, to let go of the gross materialism of this planet, move into a higher vibrating reality, is the way forward.

Allow your feelings, your senses, to guide you and your guides will surely move you sideways through that fluctuating, flexible, portal into another reality. It looks similar to this realm but is much comfortable. More peaceful, more tranquil, and with greater opportunity for you to learn and grow.

And so, I say to you today, again, thank you for having me here to address you in this manner. I will come again. We will speak more on vibratory levels, realities, the multiplicity and intricacies of human / humanoid soul encased in physical embodiment pathways.

So thank you and good evening. Good evening dear ones…


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