Aranuth Speaks. November 2019. Devotional versus Science Beliefs System.

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Here in Australia every year we have “The Race that stops the Nation”, the Melbourne Cup. How very true this is: at 3 p.m. eastern time, on the first Tuesday of November every year, practically everything grinds to a halt for the running of “The Cup”. People who never place a wager on a horse race impulsively bets a precious dollar or two – sometimes very large wagers – on the horse that takes their fancy. This year was no different with ladies fancying a horse whose jockey is dressed in “pretty colours”; has dreamt of the winning saddlecloth number; or a horse with an attractive heartwarming name; even a horse their sibling or friend, who knows nothing about racehorses, advises them of which horse will win. This year was no different. Winners and losers, not only with horse racing but in the race of life. In all reality, everyone wins in the “race of life” simply because they are walking their predestined, preordained pathway to perfection even though it may not seem to be that way at times. All is in Divine Order!

Earlier in the month I attended the Cairns Spiritual Centre and gave a talk – channelled information – on Death and Dying. The talk was information-packed and was of great comfort to those dear people who had recently lost a loved one. Feedback by email, text, and phone calls was very positive with calls for more information of this type to be made known. Unfortunately, I did not record this talk at that time.


As the year draws to a close we can all look forward to some precious loved ones, family and friends, time; some of the events of the year may or may not be as we would have liked it to be however, we can be thankful for the blessings of what we have … some people have less than what we have enjoyed, so let’s all be grateful

My year has been one of continuing service to others and being the recipient of many blessings, good health (with a couple of hiccups) and a sufficient abundance of good things. I am now tiring from a big year of ups and downs and am looking forward to a rest until January next year.


The following message was channelled at a meditation gathering in the high energy healing room in my home in Atherton North Queensland.

Good evening everyone. I am Imhotep, I am Imhotep; more popularly known as Columba of Iona. I sent my signal as a forerunner. I sent you the light, I bathed you in the light, I am Light. I showed you my symbol, the White Dove of peace; of Peace. I have always been known as the Saint Columba of Iona. As you say, back in the day, Mal-colm remembers this well, Mal-colm was at Iona from the beginning, from the very beginning. Mal-colm understands. He knows. He knows. (Columba / Imhotep pronounces my name as Mal – Colm). I come to you this evening to bring you messages of Peace. I come to you to shine the light of Love and of Peace upon you.

At this time, your planet is desperately in need of Peace. It is desperately in need of Peace. Peace and Love will solve every problem that faces the inhabitants of your planet. Peace in the world starts with one. With One. You can lead them from One: it multiples to ten, to a hundred, to one million, but, Peace must be given a chance. Somebody, some entity, must stand up and proclaim that Peace, Peace is the only way forward for your planet and nation. Where you are now is in the throes of aggressiveness, war, greed and hatred. It is destroying your planet. You are destroying your support system, your life, your livelihood. You are destroying yourself eventually. So now with this time of Christ-mas coming upon you, pausing now, it is not so well known that it is the day of the birth of the man you call Jesus of Nazareth. He was born on this day. (25th of October is his realbirth date; not the day we celebrate as his birthday) He is still the Energy of Peace.

I come to you in Peace, having known extreme violence, killing, maiming and wounding. I experienced all of that on my pathway. Mal-colm was there with me. Mal-colm knows. I have been with Mal-colm for eons of time. Sometimes in the background, sometimes I am coming forth to express through him. I express through him and so I have chosen this evening to come to you in Peace. I send you my symbol of peace. The White Dove of Peace. I send you that to watch over you so that you can carry that symbol of my peace; it starts with One. From there, it expands. Your planet needs Peace if it is going to survive the rigours of the future.

I am not here to frighten you but to advise you that Peace is the only way out for you now. The only way out for your planet, for the people of your planet, is Peace. Peace. And so at this time of the approaching Christ-mas, it is important that Peace, that Peace is the byword. Make Peace the thought behind the action of everything that everyone on your planet does. I do not expect great things as you install Peace on your planet because is an incredibly difficult task. However, it can be achieved. It can be achieved, but not without struggle. Not without a struggle. But there is no real need for struggle. Peace, Peace, is the Peaceful way. It’s the way of Gods Peace. So please do not judge yourselves. Do not judge others. Do not judge your planet except by peaceful means. Seek, and Seek Peace everywhere. So now I wish, I wish you a Peaceful Christ-mas. To wish Peace to you one and all; And I now I shall leave you dear ones.

I shall remain here with you for some time tonight. I shall remain, I shall remain.


I expect to be channelling more messages early next year, 2020, good health prevailing. Remember as celebrate your festive season that your previously passed over loved ones will be celebrating with you. Love, Joy, and happiness is not confined to this dimension of physicality; it applies in every dimension.

Love and Light,

Peace and Happiness, Rainbows and Roses,


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