Enoch: The Truth

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Enoch: The Truth – Channeled Message

Many times over the years people have commented that I appear to be able to tune in to, match frequencies with,  and accommodate, (channel) ascended masters and other highly evolved beings from some very high frequency realms. Looking back over the years that I have channeled messages and information I have to agree. Recently, at a private session, another not-well-known, and entirely unexpected, guide slipped into my energy field with the greatest of ease, and delivered a profound message. This being identified himself as “Enoch … the real one”, and after delivering his message departed as smoothly as he had arrived. The chopped-down version of his message was that for quite a number of years – eons of time? – souls incarnate have focused their healing and compassion energy on directing Love and Light to various nations, situations, and souls incarnate. This is all very well, Enoch said, however we are missing an extremely important facet … that of the TRUTH.

The truth of our origins, our being-ness, our evolutionary pathway; the absolute truth of the substance and composition of the Source, the Oneness, the Allness; of every aspect of the totality of our being-ness, from the diminutive to the massive, takes precedence over the focus of “Love” energy which directs a form of peace, bliss, and ecstasy to the intended recipient; and the focus of “Light” which directs powerful light to illuminate, reveal, and enlighten the numerous undulations, fluctuations, occurrences, and planned experiences and lessons on the pathway. The “Light” illuminates and reveals the Truth. Enoch suggested that we focus on Truth, and appeal for the disclosure and revelation of the absolute truth of everything in creation.

Enoch also advised that there would be enormous benefit in, instead of focusing on the negativity of the oppressed, sick, and starving population in places like Africa, and the horrors of war and terrorism in the Middle East and other theatres of war, we would achieve more by visualising happy, carefree, and well-fed people in Africa (and elsewhere) and peaceful co-operation  and collaboration between all nations across the planet. Focusing and sending love and light to, what we perceive to be negative situations, is actuality is a judgement on the perceived flaws and imperfections in Creators Grand Plan, and shows how little we trust and understand of the outworking of the Creators Grand Plan. The Creators Grand Plan leaves no room for mistakes and is perfection in its outworking. If only we were all consciously aware and cognisant of the Truth of creation and everything associated with it we would be in a far better space.

Having written the above prior to channeling the message below, I was not really ready for the message that did come through; I should say I was not at all ready for the power, assertivity, and passion that underpinned the message. Read on …

The Message:

Well good evening everyone.  This evening we will bring to you something different.  Something noticeably different. Something of great importance that will help you today and into the future, providing that you wish to take note. Previously, in another time, and another place, where you were not in attendance, I did come through this channel for the first time, and I will be coming through this channel more often. I will be using his physical many times into the future bringing messages of guidance specifically, and advice.  For your benefit, I will have to go back over old ground.  When I say ‘old ground’, I am speaking of repeating what I have previously channeled some days ago.

The subject that I wish to speak on is the most important subject you have, or ever will, encounter.  I am speaking of “Truth”‘. I am speaking of “absolute Truth”: I am speaking of “Truth” as the apex; the absolute apex of not only your energy being-ness, but the energy of the Oneness; of the Allness; the energy of the Source; of the Creator.  We are aware that many of you souls have for many years focused your love and light on a variety of situations, circumstances, and happenings all across your planet.  That is commendable.  However, you are somewhat misguided.  When you look at various situations and incidents that are taking place on your planet you feel prompted to do the best that you can to assist to bring about a peaceful resolution to whatever that incident or situation is.  Your normal process is to look at that situation, which you find intolerable, and you feel prompted to send “love” to that situation: to send “light” to that situation; so that you can change or alter the perceived injustice, hurt, pain, whatever, to something much more palatable.  You genuinely generate, radiate, some of you, tremendous, tremendously powerful “love” to this intolerable situation.  You focus brilliant “light” on these situations.

As an example I could say to you that you feel offended by the starvation and disease in many poor countries such as on the African continent.  You also feel enormous compassion for those people who are taken in floods, fires, tsunamis, and earthquakes.  You also feel compassion for those who are caught up in wars and terrorism in such places as the Middle East.  And so, doing what you consider to be the best that you can, you, singly, individually, sometimes in groups, decide that, that situation cannot be allowed to continue and you are going to do something about it.  You are going to send “love” and “light”.  Highly commendable of you!  However, you are mistaken.  You are mistaken!  If you look at illness, disease, starvation, oppression, of the population of poor nations such as some of those on the African continent, you, from your limited stand point, perceive that to be intolerable.  Which is in fact, you standing in judgement of the Creator and of the Creator’s Grand Plan. When you focus on wars and terrorism, the deaths, the injuries, the pain, again, you are standing in judgement of the Creator’s Grand Plan.  In every incident such as that, from your limited perception stand point, you are looking at the Creator’s Grand Plan, perceiving imperfections in it … which you feel prompted that you will have to alter and change.  You wish to alter or change a Grand Plan put into operation by the Creator.  Hmmnn?  That is what you are doing.  Standing in judgement of the Creator and the Creator’s ability to formulate a perfect, the perfection of a grand plan.

The reason why you are doing that is because you cannot see the whole big picture.  You cannot see the entirety of the Creator’s Grand Plan.  You see a tiny, tiny, little portion of what the Grand Plan is.  It’s like looking through a pin hole and you form an opinion and you pass judgement on that.  What I am here to do today, and what I have done previously in a private session, is to advise you that is now the time to stop that!  Stop looking at what you perceive to be a negative happening or event.  Stop focusing on the negative:  stop sending the energy of “love ” and “light” to the negative that you feel you need to change.  Self defeating!  That is self defeating!  When you look at “love” and “light”, most souls incarnate on this day, see that as the epitome.  The epitome of the energy of the Allness of the Oneness.  It is not! It is not! It could be perceived as ‘second best option’.  ‘Best’ is the epitome: the apex is “Truth”. “Truth”! Absolute “Truth”!  Think on this.  If you could see the “Truth” in everything.  If you knew the absolute “Truth” of everything.  If you knew the absolute “Truth” of your source; of your birth;  of your being-ness;  of your pathway;  of your tiny little life on your pathway on this planet .  If you could only see the “Truth” in all of that your perception would change in an instant.  Not only will it change in an instant, but let me forewarn you, you will feel pain.  You will feel pain simply because all of those things that you perceive to be good, wonderful, of life, of love, so beautiful; once you see the Truth of it all you will feel that you have been conned.  You have been part of a big confidence game.

It’s time, time, time, for you to come out.  Get out of that cocoon.  Come out and look for Truth.  See “Truth”.  Be “Truth”.  Every minute of every day of your life you are being controlled by others who will conceal the Truth from you.  You need to feel the “Truth” of everything.  The Creator, not only sees and knows, “Truth” is part of creation.  When you can see the Creator’s Grand Plan, which was formulated in absolute “Truth”, you will feel like falling to your knees in supplication saying “please, please, have mercy on me: I am fool; I appeal to you;  I’ve been conned.  I am a fool.”  “I was blind, I would not see;  I could not see”.  That might sound dramatic but that is exactly what will happen.

From where I am in the Universe: let me rephrase that; I am not in the Universe.  From where I am relating to you in your Universe, others, like me, have been given permission to sound the wake up call.  (clap, clap, clap … loudly!)  Wake Up! Wake Up!  “Truth”: look for the Truth in everything!  If you wish to sit still, sit quiet, simply ask for the “Truth”.  Simply ask.  Please show me “Truth”.  Whole “Truth”, all of “Truth”.  Not parts of “Truth”. Not just the parts of “Truth” that apply to your work, your marriage, to your friends, to your hobbies; ask to be shown the entire “Truth”, the entire “Truth” of Creation. Because it is “Truth” that is going to set you free.  Do you want to be shackled and controlled in this life like every other incarnation where you have been shackled, blind folded, and controlled.  “Wake Up! Wake Up! Clap! Clap!  Time for “Truth”.  The time is now!

I have to come to you in this most emphatic and assertive manner to give you a good solid prompt to wake up because if I come and speak to you softly, gently, within in matter of hours or days you would have forgotten the entire substance of this such an important subject.  “Truth”  I am offering you right here, right now, an opportunity that you never ever previously had in such a brash, assertive, manner to make you realise what “Truth” is.  So from this point on, we are going to be bringing Truth to you.  We will be prompting you to look for the “Truth” in everything.  We will ask of you in return, in return we will ask of you, “Truth” in thought; “Truth” in word;  “Truth” in deed;  Because it is the “Truth” that is going to set you free.  Once you see absolute “Truth”, there is nothing more to see: nothing more to know; because you already know the “Truth”; you already know it!

Now, you can continue to send “light” and “love” to various situations.  If you send “light”, what do you feel the “light” will do?  The “light” is the great illuminator.  The “light” reveals: if you look closely the light reveals “Truth”.  If you send “love”;  “love”, is a powerful vibration.  And yes, it does good.  But it does not do the good of “Truth”.  Love will become more and more empowered when it is used to empower and drive “Truth”.  “Truth”!  The light illuminates it.  The love empowers it.  Truth is Truth.  Light and love have their duty, they have their role to play.  They do not have the role that “Truth” has.  Why do you think you are here on this planet, incarnate at this time, and at other previous life times?  You are known as seekers.  You join together in a spiritual enclave and you call yourself seekers.  What are you seeking?  Upliftment? Enlightenment? Knowledge? Understanding?  Of course you are.  You are looking for the knowledge and understanding of “Truth”. “Truth”; that’s what you are looking for!  That’s what you want, that’s what you need; and that is the thing that is going to save you.  Absolute “Truth”.

In my time on your earth, I was vilified and abused to say the least, because of my absolute insistence on spreading “Truth”.  Making the “Truth” available to all who seek to find it.  And here I am here again using this physical, this familiar physical embodiment, to exhort you to look for “Truth”:  to be “Truth”; in thought, in word, in deed.  Because there is only “Truth”: there is only the almighty power of the Creator and that is “Truth”.  Be “Truth”.

I will be coming more often in various locations and again, I will be speaking of “Truth”.  In a prior shall we say, inner,conversation with this physical familiar, we have agreed as a duo, to spend more time in various places, various locations, with various groups of people, large and small, discussing “Truth”: speaking of “Truth”; asking you to participate in Truth; and as part of that participation, you will be prompted and allowed to ask questions pertaining to “Truth”.  Not pertaining to any other thing unless it is associated with “Truth”.  At such future gatherings, I will be using this physical familiar embodiment to stand in front of you, to address you, to answer your queries.  I will be surrounding and within him supplying the information and the answers using this physical as my medium.  The medium that I, as a non-physical entity can put forth my words, my knowledge, my guidance, my advice to you.  I will, through various methods and avenues, arrange and advise of suitable times for souls such as you here in the physical; souls hearing this; souls reading this.  I will be making the “Truth” available through myself and to my medium.

I invite you to take part if you so choose to.  If you choose to, you will be enlightened.  The “Truth” will set you free.  If you choose not to, that is your choice.  You may return to the darkness that you have been treading through for over two thousand years.  This day should be a turning point in your life.  Not just your physical, emotional, and spiritual life;  whole of life, whole of life; every concurrent and parallel life that you have ever had the Truth that I speak will resonate through every one of those lifetimes.  Not only that, let me assure you.  The Truth that I will speak will resonate with what you call the ‘spiritual realms’.  The highly evolved beings that you call guides will also hear and benefit from “Truth” because even though they do a remarkable job overseeing, guiding, and protecting you on your pathway, they are not of such an advanced level that they have all yet awoken to the Truth.  Talk to your guides.  Talk to all of them.  See which guide ever spoke to you about “Truth”.  See what guide ever spoke to you about ‘love” and “light” but never took the extra step to tell you about “Truth”.

For eons of time “love and Light” and everything associated with that has formed a glass ceiling above you.  A shatterproof, bullet proof, glass ceiling.  You have been held under that ceiling and only allowed to go, or encouraged to go, as high as “love and light”.  Right now, I shatter that glass ceiling. I take your shackles off and set you free.  If it’s freedom you seek.  If it’s freedom you seek, I untie your shackles and will shatter your glass ceiling.  I will set you free …with your permission.  I will … I will cease now as this physical medium becomes distressed.  My name is Enoch of the “Truth”.  Good evening.

Immediately following the communication I was reduced to a few tears, queasiness in the stomach, a sense of vertigo in the head, and a feeling of being “spaced out”. These effects gradually receded over a period of some hours … with a little help from my (incarnate) friends. In my quiet talks with Enoch – and other guides – I have requested that future channelled information transmissions be a little less powerful so as not to have me go into “shakedown” at the conclusion of each message. I still have my physical well-being to care for. Following discussions with several spiritually oriented people I have commenced putting in place arrangements for me to conduct talks (with an unseen Enoch present) with question and answer segments in Cairns at the Spiritual Centre and possibly elsewhere at convenient times or when prompted to by Enoch.

Rainbows & Roses



  1. What an amazing human being you are Malcolm. You have my love and admiration. I wish I lived close so I could attend these wonderful gatherings. This was the most powerful of messages. I long for the truth and the ability to live it. Thank you Malcolm and take care of yourself at all times.
    Love from Jo Scott

  2. Everything is in the creators plan. There are no mistakes. There is no bad or good, only our monkey mind judgement. Got it. Thank you.

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